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Do you think the devs at Bethesda...


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I think they would listen to the actual modding community (us), alongside of their fan community.They haven't hesitated to use our good ideas in their games, and that makes them the awesomest gaming company ever!Our popular mods are like meters of how popular new game features will be, along with how to make and implement said features, and they can tell where we are most unsatisfied with their products. We are more balanced and specific in our requests(sometimes). I think not listening to us would be bad for business, so they probably don't not listen to us. :biggrin:
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You would be half mad to thank that the dev and there legion do not look at and watch nexus ....and they find what people want ,hate ,love and all such .


There was somethang last year? or the the year before that Nexus was asked to remove or change somethange and spoke derectly with Dark0ne to resolve ?



But I thank that Beth. uses the Nexus -In part or whole ,but this can go only go so far ,as Morrale Morons(like trolls n republicans) Lawers not yet Hung or Drawn n Quartered Would find Beth for all the wronges that a 3rd party did that someone and ther cohorts fond unlikable.

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It would be cool if Bethesda would put in Credits "All of of our loving fans at Nexus"


^This. I'd definitely feel loved.

I imagine that they've probably played with mods. I mean, they add the ability to load them in the game, they'd wanna see what cool shiz their fans could make, right? Some had to have used Midas Magic and thought to themselves, "Whoa! This is awesome! Why wasn't this in the game before!? We should contact the dev....."


But in all seriousness, they know we're here and they've shown their love by saying they'll release a kit with it.

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It would be cool if Bethesda would put in Credits "All of of our loving fans at Nexus"


^This. I'd definitely feel loved.

I imagine that they've probably played with mods. I mean, they add the ability to load them in the game, they'd wanna see what cool shiz their fans could make, right? Some had to have used Midas Magic and thought to themselves, "Whoa! This is awesome! Why wasn't this in the game before!? We should contact the dev....."


But in all seriousness, they know we're here and they've shown their love by saying they'll release a kit with it.



In Oblivion "Credits" is just a text file. You can put it in yourself.


I remember when Oblivion first came out I saw a lot of the best 'mods' from Morrowind in it. Chairs you can sit in, horses you can ride, sandals, and a bunch of other stuf. I think Todd and the guys have already seen the best of Oblivion's mods and have already put them in Skyrim. One thing that was missing in Oblivion that I liked was levitation. Morrowind had it, but it didn't get into Oblivion. Maybe it'll be in Skrim ..


I hope they do something with those clunky default bodies we had in Oblivion. If it weren't for Robert, Exnim, and a few others Oblivion would be a mess.

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