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Do you think the devs at Bethesda...


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Just for the record. Is there any other modding community from other games, not related to Bethesda at all, bigger than us?
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It would be cool if Bethesda would put in Credits "All of of our loving fans at Nexus"


^This. I'd definitely feel loved.

I imagine that they've probably played with mods. I mean, they add the ability to load them in the game, they'd wanna see what cool shiz their fans could make, right? Some had to have used Midas Magic and thought to themselves, "Whoa! This is awesome! Why wasn't this in the game before!? We should contact the dev....."


But in all seriousness, they know we're here and they've shown their love by saying they'll release a kit with it.



In Oblivion "Credits" is just a text file. You can put it in yourself.


I remember when Oblivion first came out I saw a lot of the best 'mods' from Morrowind in it. Chairs you can sit in, horses you can ride, sandals, and a bunch of other stuf. I think Todd and the guys have already seen the best of Oblivion's mods and have already put them in Skyrim. One thing that was missing in Oblivion that I liked was levitation. Morrowind had it, but it didn't get into Oblivion. Maybe it'll be in Skrim ..


I hope they do something with those clunky default bodies we had in Oblivion. If it weren't for Robert, Exnim, and a few others Oblivion would be a mess.


If the devs wanted to, they themselves could simply add "To all of of our loving fans at Nexus" in the credits. If I added this line or my name, there'd be no sentiment.....


I think we may be the biggest.

Edited by AltreU
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Just for the record. Is there any other modding community from other games, not related to Bethesda at all, bigger than us?


I really dont know....I think FPSBanana is pretty big...but its more skins and that sort of thing....you also have Moddb......I really dont know in size but this 2 are pretty big

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Well, if there are some that are actualy bigger, at least I know that we have some of the most talented people I have seen ever since I first made contact with the Internet World. If feels great to be part of something this big. I wonder how we'll be like 10 years from now. There will be at least 2-3 new Nexus sites, a new one at least this year. I only hope Dark0ne will never get bored and move on...:ohmy:


I also hope to see some of the old modders around again, tda just to mention one. That man has heavy modding skills. :wub:

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TES we are the biggest yes but for modding in general FPSbanana and Moddb are also really big (banana is a site were you can get skins, level, sound mods and much more for almost every FPS out there, but mostly Valve games and Moddb its like IMDB only for mods, there are hundreds of mods there you can find for any type of game...but are game mods, not like had flying mods for TES...its more like for example making TES be a Star Wars game)
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TES we are the biggest yes but for modding in general FPSbanana and Moddb are also really big (banana is a site were you can get skins, level, sound mods and much more for almost every FPS out there, but mostly Valve games and Moddb its like IMDB only for mods, there are hundreds of mods there you can find for any type of game...but are game mods, not like had flying mods for TES...its more like for example making TES be a Star Wars game)


And don't forget FileFront. While Nexus has 4 sites for 4 moddable games, FileFront has about over 50 sites for moddable games, including Elder Scrolls Games, and Fallout 3/NV


Also, I have to say planetelderscrolls is about the same size, if not the same or bigger, as TESNexus is amount of mods, but planetelderscrolls is definatley bigger(from my experience) when it comes to Morrowind mods.

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If they didn't really :wub: us the construction kit wouldn't have been confirmed. Can you imagine what would be going down here if we saw all their awesome details and weren't sure we could mod them to pieces?! I believe the word for what would happen is :nuke: Chaosnarchymageddonpocalypse :nuke: . So that means they love us or they fear us. I think it's a lil' of both Edited by mrpepperkitty
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