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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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I don't deny that. Some kind of unarmed combat will be in the game, because it has to be in the game. I just think it shouldn't be a skill, and shouldn't be comparable to swordfighting etc. in terms of damage.

Of course you will be able to do some kind of unarmed combat for situations like those you described, but I think anything more than a standard punch-block system would be a waste of resources.


Okay, just from your first post it seemed you found unarmed Combat in General unrealistic (You actually stated that in the first post) but I understand what you mean. Unarmed should never take more damage than swordfighting. But unarmed combat should still be interesting to use I think. Maybe have one special knock-out skill for it, but as you said, not too much. :)

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Wrote a whole post but my stupid phone deleted it when I tried to post...


I own my own suit of armor I use for reenactment battles. I don't care who you are, Mike Tyson could punch me in the face of my helmet and I might get knocked back a little but his hand is going to be crippled and broken, unable to fight any longer. I wouldn't be harmed.


Unarmed combat needs to exist for necessity but beyond the basic punching its silly and unnecessary..

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Well, yes.. Unless they include fist weapons for the unarmed category.

That could change some things, making it deal more damage, and actually make it possible to deal damage to armored enemies.

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Wrote a whole post but my stupid phone deleted it when I tried to post...


I own my own suit of armor I use for reenactment battles. I don't care who you are, Mike Tyson could punch me in the face of my helmet and I might get knocked back a little but his hand is going to be crippled and broken, unable to fight any longer. I wouldn't be harmed.


Unarmed combat needs to exist for necessity but beyond the basic punching its silly and unnecessary..


Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor?


But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting.

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I want non-lethal takedowns, they'd be ideal for stealth-oriented characters. Skulking around in the shadows, incapacitating a guard and dragging him into some dark corner so his buddies won't stumble over his unconscious body.. the possibilities are endless.


Does anyone know if Emil Pagliarulo is on the team that's developing Skyrim? He knows how stealth is supposed to be done, seeing as he worked on the Thief games.

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Yeah I would like a way to stun an ennemy with my bare hands without killing him (It would be a 1-hit KO but the guy would wake up and alarm everyone after a while). But even if it was possible (and I'm pretty sure it won't ^^) it doesn't need a hand to hand skill.


For hand to hand fight, I agree with someone upper. It would need a dedicated system cause it won't make any damage if you are just throwing punch after punch (that would be weird)


I don't want to spoil anyone's pleasure so in theory I wouldn't be against this skill, except that there is only 18 skill now. So I hope they give up on this to keep more important skills.

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Wrote a whole post but my stupid phone deleted it when I tried to post...


I own my own suit of armor I use for reenactment battles. I don't care who you are, Mike Tyson could punch me in the face of my helmet and I might get knocked back a little but his hand is going to be crippled and broken, unable to fight any longer. I wouldn't be harmed.


Unarmed combat needs to exist for necessity but beyond the basic punching its silly and unnecessary..


Are you saying that my chi infused fist wont penetrate that tin can you call armor?


But yeah agree that as it is atm its pointless. They really need to add something to the skill, like bar brawls or unarmed arenas that make is interesting.


That is exactly what I am saying. I don't care if Bruce Lee punched me in the face, the 12g steel of my helmet will break their hand. Tin can? Have you ever felt 12 g steel? You don't know much about metallurgy do you...


Chi? Wtf is this dragon ball z now? I hope to god the devs leave the silly anime stuff out of the games and leave those for modders to screw with.


Realism aside, if someone could shoot fire from their hand it will burn you. If someone can make lighting hit you, you will get electrocuted... But no where within the realm of plausibly believable fiction can a fist made of flesh and bone punch through 12 gauge hardened steel.


Maybe they could make a system which turns your hands to stone or iron with magic. That would at least make sense.

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