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Playing Oblivion, After Skyrim, Plus Mods



45 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you download mods and play Oblivion after Skyrim?

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I'm making a mod for Oblivion that will come out later in the year... problem is, Skyrim is too! I fear that my pride and joy mod that I've been working on for about a year will be completely overlooked! Will you still download Oblivion mods and play Oblivion after Skyrim is released?


And I didn't know what a public poll was... but it isn't exactly a private question, so it should be okay.

Edited by ArchMageMatt
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I would expect most people on this site to switch over to Skyrim, but many people will still be playing Oblivion. The people that pick up Skyrim will still be looking at Oblivion mods to convert things, and believe it or not, but people are still playing Morrowind.
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I answered that I will still play Oblivion after Skyrim comes out. But in truth, I won't know the answer until after I have played Skyrim. If Skyrim blows Oblivion out of the water, then I will probably play nothing but Skyrim. If Skyrim is a big flop and stinks, then I will stop playing Skyrim and just play Oblivion.


I played Morrowind to death on my X-box. I did practically everything I wanted to do twice or three times. Since I couldn't use mods on the X-box, and had seen all the content I had access to, I pretty much stopped playing Morrowind when I got Oblivion. But once in a while I still play Morrowind, and believe that it is set up better than Oblivion in many respects. I imagine I will still play Morrowind now and then when I have Skyrim.

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I still play Morrowind from time to time. Oblivion is so great tho. i love all the mods and i have done some of my own tweaking to my mods. With all the work i have put into my game i have now, i could never completely give it up. I may put it down for a while, but Oblivion is one of the games i always come back to. Besides that it will take the modders a while to make some really good mods.
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Heck I still play Morrowind now. I've only played around with MGE a little, but I have a nice setup using Morrowind FPS Optimizer so I can play at high res widescreen, and a host of retex and visual enhancement mods, and the game looks and plays fantastic. Compared to MW, Oblivion and FO3 are like empty eye candy. I enjoy both of them, but I keep going back to MW. I'm really hoping Skyrim will break this trend, but I'm not counting on it.
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I haven't played Morrowind since completing it on the XBOX back in the day. Oblivion just totally eclipses Morrowind for me. I still haven't completed Oblivion O.o because I just got tired of running into another gate and fighting my way to the top to close it. But thanks to the modding community, there's always much more to do. (It is ironic, I think, that it is because of the modding community keeping my interest in Oblivion, that I am as excited as I am about Skyrim.)


I played FO3 for a while but got bored with it. It was always another encounter with some mutants and it just got old. It's the mods for Oblivion that keep me coming back. The mods and the possibilities inherent in the Oblivion world. The FO3 mods all seem a variation on a theme. The FO3 world is just so much more limited than Oblivion's. The fantasy setting of Oblivion allows for armor and clothing that would just be ridiculous in FO3, and one can only stretch the "mutant" monster thing so far. The fantasy world of Oblivion allows for nearly any type of creature that can be imagined. The fact that I was never really happy with the body mods in FO3 played a big role in my coming back to Oblivion as well.


That being said, I expect to be transitioning exclusively to Skyrim for at least a short while. If the modding community kicks in like we all hope it will, and keeps my appetite slaked, and the game doesn't basically suck, I don't know that I'll be coming back to Oblivion any time soon. I'm an eyecandy prostitute and at the very least, Skyrim should satisfy that particular hunger. The few screenies that have been released look amazing, and it's a whole new world of frozen (and hopefully not all repetitiously frozen) vistas to explore.


Of course for me personally, if the skeleton has the same problems as FO3's, making it impossible to do a decent body mod (from what I understand), I'll likely end up back here in Oblivion land.


So the short answer (always comes at the end of a long answer, doesn't it?) to your question is: I don't know. It completely depends on the quality and modability of Skyrim. I suspect that would be the answer of many Oblivion players: Depends on Skyrim.

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I believe most people who use lots of mods will still keep playing Oblivion for at least a good while after Skyrim is out. First of all, it's gonna be on a new engine, and even though it has been announced there will indeed be a costruction set the real amount of moddability is still yet to be seen (to be honest, I'm not really optimistic, but who knows). Even if it will be extremely moddable, it will still take years before offering the level of freedom and features Oblivion has reached thanks to the modding community. After an obvious exodus right after launch, I guess several people will come back to Oblivion in less than a month after a couple of playthroughs in Skyrim, and keep playing the former while waiting for the latter to become what Oblivion has become. I, for one, know will get bored pretty soon with a game without things such as Midas Magic, to just name one of several mods that nowadays make Oblivion a whole different gaming experience.
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