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Everything posted by solaries275

  1. I bought a sound card today. After 45 minutes of play time with the card, there were no issues with sound. No whistling no squealing. So it would seem my problem is fixed. Thank you to everyone that posted suggestions.
  2. RIght now I am using the on board sound, not a sound card. This sound also occurs when I play SWTOR. Have not played anything else in a while, so I do not know if it happens in say FNV or something. I believe I have changed the sound properties to CD Quality before. Trust me, I searched high and low on google before posting here. I will try it again, after i get the driver that was suggested.
  3. I am hoping a sound card will fix the issue.
  4. I will give that a try. I have also noticed that talking to Mjoll will stop the sound with some of the words she says. But it comes back when other sounds are activated.
  5. My speakers weren't very expensive, they are Logitech speakers. 2 regular channels and the sub. So unfortunately I do not have an equalizer. I get the squealing with my front and rear jacks and with head phones. I feel like it is a software issue. This didnt start until i updated my OS and if it were a bad ground I would assume it would be a constant. I have just started playing soundtracks on youtube at a decent volume while playing games. They stop the noise after it has started. I feel like this would also not be the case if it were a ground issue.
  6. Well, I have tried the front and rear jacks. Also last night I plugged in my mic and enabled it and then physically muted it with the switch on the mic. This seems to have made the noise more quiet and less frequent. I am hoping it is not a bad ground >.<
  7. yes I did. Not a stupid question at all.
  8. My speakers are running through the motherboard. Somehow i think this is a windows 7 issue. I didn't have this problem until I switched to Win 7. And I don't have an HDMI cable.
  9. I don't have anything else I can try the speakers with. I will try unplugging my network cable as well. The speakers themselves are brand new as of this past Sunday. I had the same issue on my old speakers. One of the reasons I got the new ones. Also should mention that it only happens in games and goes away 15 to 45 seconds after I exit the game I am playing. Certain NPC voices will also cause the squeal to either subside or stop, only to return again from another sound, or that same NPC's voice. As of right now I have updated to the newest driver for my video card (a friends suggestion) I have alsp rolled back my sound driver to what was on it before I updated to windows 7.
  10. Just little update, the last thing I tried didn't fix my sound issue. So I am still hunting around for a solution.
  11. So there was one other thing I didn't try. I adjusted my main computer volume all the way up. Then set the application volume to 50, and when I started Skyrim I reduced it's master volume to 1/3. This so far seems to have solved my issue. Thank you very much. Oh I also made sure to un-check allowing applications to take exclusive control of the sound device (Control Panel > Sound > Properties).
  12. It is a desktop computer. The only thing I have not tried that you suggested is unplugging USB's. The only USB device I have is a keyboard. Its a logitec with a backlight. Well that an reinstalling mouse drivers. It is a corded mouse.
  13. So far on this issue I have reinstalled my sound driver. Rolled back my sound driver. I have a new set of speakers and I have made all kinds of different settings adjustments to my sound. SO far nothing seems to have stopped this issue. I have also had it happen on other games. So its not an exclusive problem with Skyrim.
  14. Two things I cannot bring myself to do in Skyrim; join the Imperials and Kill Paarthurnax.
  15. Just curious, did anyone else with this problem beat the main quest AND have the mod Deadly Dragons active?
  16. Its from the sound in game. No I would be totally freakin out if it were in the computer. This is just an announce coming from my speakers. So far the only thing I have found that helps, is to have music playing in the background. It seems to make the squealing go away shortly after it starts.
  17. Ok so after about 5 or so minutes of playing Skyrim I get this squealing/whistling sound. It only happens when I play Skyrim. I have tried updating my drivers and changing my sound config. Nothing seems to be fixing it. Someone even told me to try unplugging my mouse. That did't help either. The porblem seemed to start after I went from Win Vista 32 to Win 7 64. Here are my specs: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ RAM 4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 545
  18. During a Dark Brotherhood contract, I get to one of the smaller cities you don't have to zone into. I see the quest marker is showing my target is outside. I'm thinking to myself, "great now I have to either wait until dark, or find a good hiding spot, and hope for a one shot with my bow. I decided before I get started I should sell off some unwanted gear, seeing as how there were some Khajit traders on the outskirts of town. Just as I am starting the conversation with the trader, I hear the roar of a Dragon. Great, now I have to kill a dragon and assassinate someone. At this point in the story I have only faced two dragons, the first one in the story, and one at Shearpoint (Deadly Dragons made both fights brutal). After about 5 or 6 minutes of the guards and I filling it full of arrows, it crashes right next to the Khajit traders, I run up while they are hitting it and wail on it until it dies (drinking about 20 potions just to stay alive). Just about everyone in town runs up to the dragon to stare at it's bones. I see my target hasn't come up to the dragon's body. I run behind some houses, and see that the target is working as if nothing has happened. One sneak attack later with a bow, and I am riding my horse on the way to the next job.
  19. I started a new game and I moved that save file to another folder for future troubleshooting.
  20. I have quite a few mods installed and before this started I think I may have had about 3 CTD's in my total of 100+ hours of play time. Which is pretty darn good considering how other Bethesda games crashed even un-modded. I started a new game, with all the same mods installed and active. I was able to get to the same camp, and there was no CTD. But on my main save game I cannot even get close to this camp. I also tried turning off all my mods, loaded the save I am having a problem with, waited 30 days and then tried to get back to the camp. I can fast travel to the ship wreck north of the Pale camp...but when I get close to it, I crash. Obviously there is something the game cannot load properly. Anyone else had a similar problem? Here is my load order: DeadlyDragons.esm EagleEyePerk_defStamina.esm ApachiiHair.esm HeadsmansAxeFixed.esp Magnus100.esp Magnus20.esp Magnus50.esp Shadow Striping Fix.esp Shrine of Azura LOD Fix.esp Warmer Magic Lights v2 - White.esp Unmarked Places - Player Homes.esp Raven Set v1.4.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp Weapons and Armor Fixes - Hacks.esp Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp PISE-Increased Level Scales.esp PISE-Increased Spawns Only.esp PISE-Encounter Zones Only.esp PISE-NPC Tweaks and Potions.esp PISE-Loot Tweaks Only.esp PISE-AI Tweaks Only.esp PISE-Vendor Tweaks Only.esp PISE-Dragon weighting only.esp PISE-NPC Equipment Tweaks Only.esp DeadlyDragonsHard.esp DeadlyDragonsCraft.esp GoldenVendors.esp MorokeiCirclet.esp AdvancedKillMoves.esp TCG.esp VariousGuardReplacer.esp Werewolf Enhancer - Optional - Jump 15pct.esp Werewolf Enhancer - 2x Speed.esp Balanced_Alteraton.esp Balanced_Conjuration.esp Balanced_Destruction.esp Balanced_Illusion.esp Balanced_Magic_Novice.esp Balanced_Restoration.esp ApachiiHair.esp MTOH.esp Companion Followers.esp Lets Get Psiijical.esp KatanaCrafting.esp
  21. Yeah, very. Many of us have lost friends in Riverwood, probably. I've killed a dragon in Riverwood only to feel like I failed afterward for not being quick enough or paying enough attention to others being attacked. The trader's sister... what's her name? I can't even remember her name... Her name is Camilla. I married her, and moved her to Whiterun. So here is my story: I had just completed Alduin's Wall. I had an issue with my horse, so I decided I would go back to Whiterun and retrieve the horse I had there. Just as I get on the horse I hear the roar of a Dragon. (I should mention I am using the Deadly Dragons mod) It's an Ancient Fire Dragon. I'm thinking, oh crap. A fight ensues, and I realize I needed a soul gem to fill my chain lightning staff. So I was like, okay lets go in Whiterun and get one. BAD idea! It followed me in the city! I was running around, trying to get to castle to get a soul gem. Guards were dying, people were screaming....I was in a panic! So I get one soul gem. Head back out...kite the dragon away from town...and I died! SO awesome! I reloaded. Kited it to a near by fort and spent the better part of an hour, Mjoll bravely engaging it in fierce melee, whilst I rain lightning and frost with staves and spells, ducking, hiding and slowly hurting it...I felt like a true hero that day.
  22. I still play Morrowind from time to time. Oblivion is so great tho. i love all the mods and i have done some of my own tweaking to my mods. With all the work i have put into my game i have now, i could never completely give it up. I may put it down for a while, but Oblivion is one of the games i always come back to. Besides that it will take the modders a while to make some really good mods.
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