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Problems with follow package


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Thank you both SO MUCH! I got the follow package working! I had to take off the getquestrunning condition, for when that was on as soon as the stage started and before I told her to follow me, she would. Now it works! YES! Your both going into the thanks section of my mod.


I believe now I only have a single scripting problem ahead, and that is writing one out for the quest.


It is as follows.


In the quests I have to take an item to a far off cave, kill a creature, place the item on its body and return to the npc. Sort of like the dark brotherhood quest with that imperial's finger. How would I go about that? Or can that only be done with objects and stuff? This is the turning point of the quest, so it would be HARD to change. Any help on that would be the final blow to completing this mod. I look forward to your replies.


Don't take this the wrong way (I'm trying to help you), but it seems to me that you need to recruit somebody onto your mod project who knows how to create quests, formulate AI and write scripts and pass on that knowledge to you. It's a very haphazard way of creating a mod by running to the public forums every single step of the way. People will start to get the notion that the mod may be your idea, but is not really your creation. Either that, or set your sights realistically and learn as you go along -- don't be impatient and want it done yesterday.

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No I get what you mean, I honestly didn't this was going to be that big of a chore when I started it out in the first place. As far as the scripts go, I normally tend to go through the wiki first, look at what the oblivion creators have did and try to base it off that. But I have found the wiki doesn't tend to help me all to much, I try to follow along and add as I go, but the scripts always can't be saved for one reason or another. So the wiki hasn't really help me, it has shown me the commands just fine, I know the general idea of them, but not the setup of them. It would be helpful if the wiki had a plain "this is the commands" "This is the general setup" "This is how you add things and when" And not, here is a walk through of how you do stuff that you don't need. So yeah, I get your point and, wont ask anymore. Back to the useless wiki! LOL
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This scenario will require a script. Something sort of like this:


; Object script applied to creature you kill in far off cave.

Begin Gamemode
If GetItemCount AAItemToPlaceOnCorpse >= 1
	SetStage AAItem2 60

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Why thank you! Saved that for sure.


Also, I messed around a bit on trying to use a script magic effect on a token item a creature is holding, but, the only problem I ran into is it keeps saying the


target.addspell aaafiredamage 1


the "target" isn't right, even though in ALL the wiki posts I have read and I have read most, it says to put either that or "targetref"


This is what I have


Scn LightUpTheDarkness


Short target

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if target.getitemcount aaalighttoken < 0

target.addspell aaafiredamage 1


target.addspell aaaBasicLight 1




Why does that not work? It looks like it should, right?

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"Target" and "TargetRef" are placeholders and are not actually used in scripts. It is like if I were to put "AAYourNPC" or "AAYourSword" into an example script. It is like using an "X" or a "Y" in algebra when you don't know the actual number.


If you replace all instances of "target" in your script with the actual target you want to use, your script will likely work. So you can set your actor to persistent reference, and give him or her a unique reference ID in the very top box of the window that pops up when you select an actor in the render window. Tradition is that you end this name in "ref", "Ref", or "REF" so that you can see at a glance that the program is talking about a reference ID and not a base ID. So if your NPC is named AAJoe, you might make his reference ID "AAJoeREF."



I forgot to mention in response to one of your other posts, that if a script won't compile and you can't save it, because the CS sees a bug in it, it is best to use the semicolon ( ; ) to comment out that line and save your script, then go do the research to figure out why it won't work. It saves you from having to type the whole script back in when you find a solution.


Example of bad line before being commented out:


For D = 1 to 5000 Next D


Example of bad line that has been commented out so that the script can be saved anyway:


;  For D = 1 to 5000 Next D

Edited by David Brasher
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Well, got the magic effect script to work with this. Simple, but it works, so whatever


Scn aaaLightUpTheDarkness


Begin ScriptEffectStart


endif Getitemcount aaaLightToken == 1

addspell aaafiredamage


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