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Sheep Wars


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Aesir, Initiate EMP subsystems!

'Online, sir. We are covering the Chimera, she's in bad shape'

Dont bother, set MDS to full capacity, you have a salvo incoming. Set a boarding tunnel for the remaining crew of the Chimera to board and set them up in the hangar bays.

'Ok sir. Tunnel is set and the crew is coming on board. MDS is on at full'

Good, once all are on, launch a heavy rocket salvo at the Chimera's centre mass, and make sure the sheep cant salvage a single bolt.


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Aesir, Initiate EMP subsystems!

'Online, sir. We are covering the Chimera, she's in bad shape'

Dont bother, set MDS to full capacity, you have a salvo incoming. Set a boarding tunnel for the remaining crew of the Chimera to board and set them up in the hangar bays.

'Ok sir. Tunnel is set and the crew is coming on board. MDS is on at full'

Good, once all are on, launch a heavy rocket salvo at the Chimera's centre mass, and make sure the sheep cant salvage a single bolt.



"sheep destroy the boarding tunnels when when they try to board is better :devil: then launch the anti matter missiles at the ship (no its not the destroy a planet one)" "then abort the salvage, let them destroy the chimera for nothing :devil:"

Edited by hollowman125
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***Radio frequency hack complete***

Hollowman? Good.

The Aesir is one of our Flagships, and the ships MDS is highly capable of stopping any incoming missile. Also, the destroying of the Chimera was a tactical decision to prevent your kind taking it, or any parts of it.

So no matter what, the Chimera's destruction, although disappointing, isnt for nothing.


***Scramble of Send frequency complete***

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Qaptin Quirkiest Quirk reporting from his Base Station X-5 in the Neon Nebulon High-Bandwidth Galaxy in his Jammin X-Wing Space Cadillac. Within 4/5ths of a picosecond we've hit metallic soil. I am stepping in the Infraredome to pick up my Sheep-sighting goggles. I now see them all. They are in the base! Red Alert! Oh wait. My goggles were just on backwards. Time to go back and fix these up before I am blinded by wool.
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***Radio frequency hack complete***

Hollowman? Good.

The Aesir is one of our Flagships, and the ships MDS is highly capable of stopping any incoming missile. Also, the destroying of the Chimera was a tactical decision to prevent your kind taking it, or any parts of it.

So no matter what, the Chimera's destruction, although disappointing, isnt for nothing.


***Scramble of Send frequency complete***


*orders engineers to build missiles capable of bypassing the MDS* then orders the battle barrage something of fury to attack the aesir with all weapons oh and the chimera's destruction was for nothing the salvage crew got one little bolt :teehee:

Edited by hollowman125
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The MDS is of extremely high quality. It can stop anything that exists now, so by the time these missiles have passed the RND stage, I'll be long gone.


'Aesir to base, we're out. All remaining crew off the Chimera are on board, but the captain, he stayed on.'

Blast it. It was his ship, and you know the old tale...



<<<Anywho, I'm off for a while. Got to go water my parrot. Wait, that doesnt sound right... OH! I meant got to go down the shops. >>>

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The MDS is of extremely high quality. It can stop anything that exists now, so by the time these missiles have passed the RND stage, I'll be long gone.


'Aesir to base, we're out. All remaining crew off the Chimera are on board, but the captain, he stayed on.'

Blast it. It was his ship, and you know the old tale...



<<<Anywho, I'm off for a while. Got to go water my parrot. Wait, that doesnt sound right... OH! I meant got to go down the shops. >>>


'sir we found schematics that can help us build RND bypassing missiles that was in one of the raided warehouses'


then begin building them now!


'yes sir'


also get as many shields and turrets up around the factory as possible and tell all units to protect the factory by any means


'will do'


it would also be cool if this had more people in it so it would be all out war :D

Edited by hollowman125
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