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Sheep Wars


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I am going to give the cruiser authority for attack.

Hammerhead, you have authority for a full scale aerial bombardment on the location specified. Use the HE rounds.

Authorisation code: 6-AOSS₪


'Orders recieved, aerial bombardment underway.'

[20 minutes later]

'Aerial bombardment complete, the depot is in ruins.'


Commander, we should send in the Aesir to do an aerial recon of the area, and have ground troops dispatched for any stragglers. Tech expert Mitchells will be on scene to help recover any salvageable tech.


Good job XO. Keep me informed about the proceedings.

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I am going to give the cruiser authority for attack.

Hammerhead, you have authority for a full scale aerial bombardment on the location specified. Use the HE rounds.

Authorisation code: 6-AOSS₪


'Orders recieved, aerial bombardment underway.'

[20 minutes later]

'Aerial bombardment complete, the depot is in ruins.'


Commander, we should send in the Aesir to do an aerial recon of the area, and have ground troops dispatched for any stragglers. Tech expert Mitchells will be on scene to help recover any salvageable tech.


Good job XO. Keep me informed about the proceedings.


alright then heres some information, the aesir was destroyed by the orbital laser, the ground forces were killed, reinforcements arrived, and the tech experts are being held hostage and are being forced to rebuild the factory and build cruisers of our own, dozens of different missiles were fired at the hammerhead cruiser

Edited by hollowman125
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**slept the night away in a cave** All right I must have been misinformed about the Cylons. Somebody get me out of this hellhole... btw that ballistick missile blew the hell out of the Cylons, many are dead.
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**slept the night away in a cave** All right I must have been misinformed about the Cylons. Somebody get me out of this hellhole... btw that ballistick missile blew the hell out of the Cylons, many are dead.


"i believe we can work together ninja" *sends down transportation jets to get ninja out*

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Stay out of this. I killed all your assassins. What could you want from me? Either you want me to join you or this is... deceit.


alright XD *tells transportation jets to abort and then has them fire more missiles on ninja's location, then recovers the dead cyclones or whatever you call them

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