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Sheep Wars


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*In dark space, the commander cools off and decide to have a drink. After the fiasco over a little fluffy sheep with a teleporting device, the commander sat in her quarters while her second performed watched over the tasks. 30 men lost their lives under 10 min and a large stockpile of ammunition was lost. While the ship recovers and extra resources are being sent, the commander lurks over the communication's panel for news of Lieutenant Huntsman's return*


Com panel: Commander! Lt Huntsman has returned from her mission. She wishes to see you.


Commander: Send her in.


Com panel: Roger.


*Lieutenant Huntsman enters the room*


C: I see that you have completed you mission lieutenant. So debrief


L: We were successful in our mission commander. We only had six casualties; two dead, four injured, one critical but stable. We have the data that you asked and the local commander is dead.


C: Excellent, tell our techs to start decrypting it quickly and to check for any viruses .


L: Yes commander.


*Lieutenant Huntsman leaves the room*


*To be continued*

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*A lone fighter group passes the Heller, unkowing of its location*

Tech, frequency hack it.



''''Commander, this is scout group AO-2212. No targets in this sector. Preparing to move on.''''


Send out the V-9 fighters. Weapons hold.

'Deploying now'


''''Got a radar hit. Small. 4, take it.''''

''''4, Moving out''''


<< 5 minutes later>>


''''4, report status''''

''''4, Report.''''

''''5 and 3, investigate.''''


Jam their frequency to their commander.


*the Heller now reveals itself*

Main battery, prepare solution on target. HE rounds.

'Solution ready'


'Firing... Targets destroyed.'

Good. a few less to bother with. Helmsman, take us to CP Whiskey.


EDIT: *On the com panel* Commander, the 'Longbow' and its localised fleet are moving on a small outpost. Will inform you of the situation as it comes.



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I General of our forces, with the support of the XO and other high command, am hiding in space, sending special ops agents to selected locations to cripple the sheep forces. XO is with the main fleet, fighting the sheep. You sir lead our second fleet.
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**The console chimes softly as the Nether-tracker is located. Weaving through an asteroid belt she spots the ship that had passed her by many hours earlier. Blender her ship's energy signature with an asteroid close to the edge of the field she silently observes the ship.**


Come in Central Sheep Command, Come in! Where are you guys? The Arc is operational and you guys bounce off? What is this? ...

I am Currently tracking the General of the ASMF, a messenger will find you with my current location.


Witch Doctor, Out.


**She glares at the receiving panel for replies.**

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