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Constantly Changing lighting glitch


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Okay, so a new, very very very annoying F-up.

Depending on where I am standing, the light coming from windows in the imperial city ( the only place my character has been aside from the opening sewers ) will drastically change from blinding to non-existent depending on where I'm standing. They don't fade, they just click from extremely caustic white light to about four other shades of greyish light, sometimes very blue light if I'm standing at an angle when I move around and look at them. It is mostly the windows I've noticed this on, but other lights in the IC have it too, torches/chandeliers/candles the like.

I don't know what would cause this sort of light processing error, I did see someone else with what I think to be a similar problem, the only connection I could draw was that we both have better cities. The difference however is that he doesn't have IC activated in his. He fixed the problem by moving/removing oblivion.ini, I did the same, not only was a new copy not made but the problems were not fixed and OBMM won't run without it. Oblivion.ini was only moved to my documents it isn't deleted.

Something else that may or may not be related, wrye bash refuses to launch, I've reinstalled it, and to no avail. I tried clicking the other mopy exe files, which I have no idea what they do, but from what I could tell they just displayed an error in the console and shut down in under a second.

So all my utilities are failing, and I'm at a loss for ideas. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Remove your oblivion.ini and then run the game FROM THE LAUNCHER. This will redetect your hardware and rebuild the oblivion.ini.


Regarding Wrye Bash, delete the pidfile.tmp file from the WB folder and update to the latest version of Wrye Bash.

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Remove your oblivion.ini and then run the game FROM THE LAUNCHER. This will redetect your hardware and rebuild the oblivion.ini.


Regarding Wrye Bash, delete the pidfile.tmp file from the WB folder and update to the latest version of Wrye Bash.


M'kay I try this, and it does re-detect my video things. (actually it says unrecognized hardware, which randomly some of my programs are doing these days, like MAYA.) Oblivion runs, no hiccups or anything; but nothing changes and the ini is not rebuilt.


Post Script. What is the WB folder?

Edited by Aryeonos
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If your hardware is not being detected correctly that is why you are experiencing graphic anomalies. Have you changed your system in any way that would make Oblivion and other software not recognize your hardware?


For the pidfile.tmp file, look in \Oblivion\Mopy\ folder (WB is Wrye Bash).

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I've turned off a few startup processes, let me see.

Adove Reader and Acrobat manager

Adobe acrobat


Cyberlink medialibray service


download manager (IGN Entertainment


Microsoft pinyin IME 2007


Realtek HD Audio Manager (This conflicts with the other audio manager ASUS put in my computer [morons])

AmbRun Endpoints Dynamic Link Library

MUI Startmenu Application

MUI Startmenu Application

Bluetooth Software


To be fair though, MAYA has had trouble with my graphics card before these changes were made, and continues to do so today, this sprouted up, seemingly randomly. The problem is that it can no longer do high quaility renders saying that the graphics card isn't compatible, which isn't true and it's done them before, it just stopped one day.

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Well half of those processes I don't recognise. Have you managed to get your oblivion.ini rebuilt from the OblivionLauncher.exe? If it's a hardware issue, it's going to be very difficult to diagnose via the forums.
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