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I knew this was a bad idea, I just knew it.


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Long story short: I'm having some problems with a particular mod, and that mod's readme states clearly that the author will not help you unless you first follow the troubleshooting steps and are still having the problem. I can understand that. One of the steps was to deactivate every mod you have and try running the game with ONLY that one mod, to see if it still has problems.


I have a 300+ mod list with a bashed patch and tons of merged and inactive mods. I knew it was a bad idea to deactivate everything and assume I'd be able to get it all up and running again, but... well, I wanted stupid BMS to work so I followed the troubleshooting instructions and deactivated every single mod.


I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it. Sure enough, when I reactivated everything and rebuilt my patch? The game now instantly CTDs every time I try to load a save. Any save, doesn't matter which one. It tells me "this save requires content which is now missing" or something like that (I'm sure we're all familiar with the exact message) and crashes as soon as I hit load. I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm missing. I haven't uninstalled anything; all I did was temporarily deactivate (uncheck) my mods and then re-check them. I rebuilt my bashed patch and everything looks exactly the way it did before I deactivated anything. Everything's checked that should be, everything that should be merged is merged, nothing highlights orange or red. Yet clearly I missed something because the game insists that my save files are relying on... something... that evidently isn't there anymore.


Is there any way to find out what the hell it is? I looked under Bash's Saves tab and all the saves are highlighted orange, yet when I look at the box on the right to see which mods are in orange, it's all stuff that is definitely reactivated and remerged. None of those orange files are missing from the load order currently, I double checked every last one.




Edit: Damnit. I have a bad feeling something is really, really messed up with my game... I tried loading it with no mods activated again, just now, and it still CTDs. I can't even start a new game, launching directly without OBMM or OBSE. Oblivion.exe crashes immediately on clicking. I suspect I'm going to have to reinstall. (sighs)

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I am pretty new to the Oblivion mod scene myself so I may be way off base here, but I think it might be possible that is is not the reactivating of all your mods that is causing the crash. Perhaps the mod you were trying to install could have altered your save game in a way that when you try to reload your saves, it is looking for the mod that was not working to begin with and that is the one that does not exist.


I know it is a bit late now and you may never get your saves back, but in the future, it would be wise to back up your saves, bash, and mods to a dfferent location so restoration can be more precise.

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You can't simply deactivate esps on a heavily modded game and expect it to run -- that is not all that is installed.


Make sure that EVERY mod you had is reactivated, and in Wrye Bash right click on your save game and select 'Load Masters'. See if that helps.

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I suspect somewhere along the line I've managed to do something extraordinarily stupid (could have been bad luck, I suppose, but more likely to be stupidity). I can't get the game to run at all now, period.


When I first deactivated all my mods during the troubleshooting of BMS, I was still able to load and run the game without problem. I started a new game with only the 1 mod running so I could test that mod. No issues.


Then I reactivated all the mods, built patch, etc etc. That's when the CTDs started and when I first posted here.


NOW, I'm no longer able to get the game to run at all. It won't even get past the launch screen. This is without OBSE, without OBMM or Bash. Just plain vanilla game, using a brand new vanilla Oblivion.ini file. Crashes on startup. I don't see any other option but a reinstall. :(

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Oblivion may be thrashing itself into a CTD. Try copying (not moving) your data directory to another directory that is NOT a daughter of the Oblivion directory. See if Oblivion will run. If not a complete uninstall and reinstall is in your future.
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All right... I'm getting there.


I copied my Data directory to another folder for safekeeping, then did an uninstall and reinstall of the game from the CDs. I'm now able to run the game again, yay!


I'm back at the original problem, though -- I can't use any of my existing saves. Starting a new game works fine, but loading an old save, even the very oldest one I have from the tutorial dungeon, and I get CTD before the load can finish. I tried the Load Masters thing in Bash and it doesn't do anything... nothing comes up because all the masters are already there. And the save is highlighted in green. I'm no longer getting the message that some content is missing, but it still crashes when loading the save.


Ugh, I'm thinking I may just start a new game anyway. I picked up some new high-res skin textures last week and ever since I've been thinking to myself that my character looks a bit different because the high res texture makes it easier to see the dark\light patches on her skin where I got sloppy with the chargen sliders.

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Yeah, I've had to restart my character several times so far. Sucks


The way I keep things somewhat safe is by backing up the ENTIRE oblivion folder somewhere, as well as the Oblivion folder in My Games. I've about 10 of these folder backups, and I make one every so often. Whenever something goes completely wrong and stuff is exploding everywhere, I move my messed up Bethesda folder to the desktop and bring back my latest backup. At that point I move in my new post-backup mods one by one and bashing until they all work, or it starts crashing, at which point I know which mod was the culprit. It may be a slow process, but it has worked 100% for me so far. I've yet to do a full reinstall, I've always been able to save my current setup.

Edited by Leviathan1753
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