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I've been using Fellout for quite a while now, and enjoy every moment of it.

In conjuction with the street lights mod its even possible to fight in the dark, but it stays a pain in the ass without using your pip-light.


So why not add some flares to the game?

they could be as simple as grenades-like thingys which light up for 30secs instead of explode...


Variants could include:

Normal flare is a simple signal flare, used by , for example, Raiders and Slavers.

A Brotherhood/Outcast version which could be an illuminating grenade to represent their advanced tech. Also other colouring and extended duration could be applied

And there could be a high-tech Enclave version with a bright white light and longer duration



This could certainly help with nghtfighting, if you dont have a nightvision or lots of streetlights in the area.



Hope you like the idea!

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You could try this:



They're not Flares, actually Glowsticks...but very well done. I use them for the same purposes you described. Plus, they never "burn out", can be picked back up and re-used, and come in several cool colors.

Note: Townsfolk still consider them a grenade...so you may hear some hostile remarks when you throw them in populated areas. I've never had anyone start shooting at me though (unless you hit them with it).

It does 1 HP of damage on contact (so that it can be thrown...something about script requirements).


Sorry if this isn't what you wanted...just trying to help.

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