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Deployable Gecko? [Mod][Mod Theory][Help Wanted]


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Hello all,


While currently crawling through a playthrough of DUST, it came to my attention that the mod author had disabled geckos in the wasteland. Thinking to my self that it would be interesting to create a gecko companion, I set out to find one on the Nexus. While most seemed very straightforward, one caught my eye; the "Gecko Flamer", a flamer weapon with a gecko model. However, I wanted to fulfill two needs; a rechargeable weapon and a trusty companion. Searching some more, I came across the "Deployable Sentry Gun", a turret which spawns upon placing a mine.


TL;DR, Would it be possible to script a Gecko Flamer, which upon being dropped or activated via an item or hotkey, "deploys" as a simple gecko follower. Once finished, interacting with the Gecko via dialogue, hotkey or on activation returns him to your inventory as a weapon.


Any tips anyone could give about how to script this concept mod as seamlessly as possible would be greatly appreciated.



Deployable sentry turret by cikada11



Gecko Flamer by Hopper31


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I wouldn't know how to do this, but if you have trouble making a deployable gecko then you could take a look at the mod "More Perks for New Vegas". One of the perks the mod adds has deployable creatures.

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