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Since it became free to play, I have spend close to the same amount of hours play as I do with the Elder Scrolls games. I want to know if anyone plays, and if so character and that stuff.


If you never heard of it or don't like it that is fine too.


Warden Elf of Rivendell, level 31

Thinking of starting a Clan or kinship called "The Nexus Forums"

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I've played ir to level cap twice in the past, but it would take something monumental to make me come back and do it again.


It's a good game, but it's awefully linear, and frankly once you've been through it the first time, the thought of all that trouble getting Raid groups just doesnt feel worth it. Afterall, to do the T-3 raids, you need full T-2 gear, but nobody does T-2 anymore because they could be doing T-3.

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