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Geck and Nifskope worries


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Yes, I did not upload my full file because I thought someone would steal it, all due respect im debted to this community, last week I knew nothing about modding at all.

If anything when this mod is done I wanted to make a step by step video tutorial for new vegas showing how to do it, yet of course, if I myself cannot make a simple sword mod im not a good teacher.


I belive my problem is Archive invalidation - the problem Is i dont know how the hell to uninstall and relace it because I used an exe to install it in the first place -..-

As I say, none of my textures are showing up that were showing up before. Everytime I try to enable it in FOMM it gives me an error.


Regarding the UV map - I have said this sword was a rough draft, such as with my first model, I like to get things working in game before they start looking good if you see what I mean. ( on a side note, im s*** at modeling and texturing, but I get by )


Thank you for all the help you have given.

Another day without releasing my mod, another day ive got to wait until I get home from work to work on it >.<

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I belive its a problem my end. I just finished making a new modele- uv mapped it propperly this time.

and im about to test it in the geck.


HOWEVER, I am led to belive ( as seeing this working on tutles pictures ) that it might be my install..... even after a full install the textures were playing up.


Anyone know how to uninstall archiveinvalidaiton?

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ok guys.


Can someone please close this topic and give kudos to EVERYONE who helped.

It was not a fault wiht my test model - but indeed of archiveinvalidation.


This means I can release my mod in alpha on my next day off work, hopefully allowing me to get some voice acting in there or something aha.

once again,thank you all for your helpful advice ^^

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