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Need Apoc Armory installing issues.


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Guys, I am new to this modding in fallout 3, a lot of the terminology goes over my head and when talking about files. etc....its a lot to take in. For the past 2 days I have read a lot of forum talk and watched many videos pertaining to the issues I have, also I have read the descriptions on what I need to install and its still little comfusing. So any help would be greatly appreciated.


First off I have 7-zip, fo3 edit, Old FOMM, FOSE,GFWL Disabler, and all the DLC on my Game of the Year Ed. copy of Fo3, on my machine and installed correctly, I am also a Vista 64 bit user with my game not installed in the programs files.


I am only wanting to start off using a weapon mod because if i cant figure this out and get it installed right then there is no hope for me lol, and the one I am wanting to use is Apocalypse Armory mod, and just for the record I have the 999weight liimit mod installed and works in game(yay for me). I am not interested in using any other mods at this time to change game features other than what I NEED to use AA. I have been through the main campaign but haven't touched any DLC yet either. The lack of gun variety etc, is why I want to use this mod.


I have all the AA files (7 total) installed in a separate folder for ease of use for Fomm. I did a create fomod and activate files as well, got all the way to the part to using FO3 Edit, but it keeps giving me fatal error messages. Now I know I am missing files of some sort, but my problem is I try to locate them and when I do load them in its still wrong. Yes I follow the load list in the description the best I can but I don't have all the other mods people are using on the description as well, not sure if that is what is screwing me. This Eve file eludes me, and I am not sure what to dl. The only files I downloaded was the V1 and V2 as well as the Update to V1 and V1 ESM Hotfix.


Sorry to sound like a dumbass but I am completey new to modding and installing, been at this for 3 days now, I just wanna play FO lol. Can someone step by step show me what files I excactly need or dont need? Without using Fo3edit to get a merge patch, my game crashes upon start up. Try to use disc and go into data files and check off all the dlc and mods check boxes and still crashes. I read that you dont need to check those boxes because Fomm takes care of that for you. (sighs) Can someone help me please?

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