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Vault 22


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Okay I'm stuck in Vault 22....The ghoul told me that I could denominate the gas using energy weapons....so I shoot it with my plasma caster. No luck because it (the fire) is too fast for me to get behind that door and lock it in time. So I figured I will go leave the vault and get some c4 with a detonator. No luck their ether because the f***ing ghoul *censored* locked the main door that leads to the exit.....any suggestions... guidance?
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Well, if you're sure there's no way for you to ignite the gas with gunfire and live... you got a few options, none of which are pretty.


1) Load an earlier save and do it all again but this time with the right equipment.

2) Kill Keely, You'll take a hit on Karma, Caps and XP reward.

3) Use the console to give yourself a grenade: Player.AddItem 00004330 1


If you use the console, save the game after you detonate the gas, exit to desktop then restart the game. Using the console disables achievements (and challenges?) until the game is restarted.


Hope that helps

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Personaly though I know this isn't this the easiest process, not for the way you do it, but getting the things to do it. I recomend C-4, putting it by the gas leak, for the love of god if stand by the explosion, just go die, get as close to the exit as possible, use the detinator, and boom! you even have enough time to see the fire coming near you, makes ya fell like bruce willis.
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Read what she says instead of skipping through it, theres 6 grenades in her duffle bag where she, and her terminal is. using c4 would be a waste and getting behind a door wont help. Good armor and using buffout, plus tabing stim packs help.


How is using C4 a waste? I had like 20 of them at that point with no real plans to use them for anything. I thought it was pretty cool. I dropped one at the gas, strolled back to the elevator, pulled out my detonator, BOOM! I see the flames coming towards me and at the last second I dove into the elevator and avoided being roasted. It was pretty awesome to be honest.

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in the room where keely is when you are told what to do, there is a bag on the floor with the grenades you are supposed to use to ignite the gas (she even tells you about them), but if (like me) you already took them from the vault earlier like i did then you will have to cheat by unlocking the door with the scrpit commands in order to get out to go get some grenades but when you return you need to relock the door (i think, i never tried not relocking it)


stand inside the room where you got the data (left side of hallway just before getting to the vents) and position yourself so you can see the script to close door, quick save for insurance, toss granade & quickly hit door close, and if you dont mess around, you will have more then enough time for door to close before it blows if not repeat the steps again



oh and the explosion can and will often get companions like ED-E stuck inside the walls so be sure they are ALL safely inside the room with you before blowing it

Edited by webster63
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