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RH_Ironsights help.


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What mod ist it?

Looks like you are missing some textures. Guess you need to ensure that you placed them into the right place and that you activated the Archive Invalidation.


This one?



* If you are having problems with RH_IronSights, please read the Notes and News section, as it may offer some important tips. If you ask me how to uninstall the mod, I will just direct you to the Readme (found in your Data/Readmes folder). And if you didn't back up your animations before installing, there is a Backup Vanilla Animation package available in the Optional file section.


* RH_IronSights requires both ArchiveInvalidation! Invalidated and FOSE! I'm not kidding!


* Are your characters shooting at their feet or into the air? You probably have Fallout 3 Re-Animated installed. Try the FO3 Patch, in the Optional files section.


* Changing your screen resolution will NOT have any impact on what weapons are centered!


* RH_IronSights may not have full functionality when used with a gamepad. If you know how to detect gamepad input using Bethesda script, please contact me!


* I don't check the Conversations tab very often. The fastest way to communicate with me is by posting a Comment or sending me a PM - I check those every day.


* If you leave a "Won't Endorse" vote on this mod without contacting me about the problem or at least reading the Readme first, you are a cosmic a-hole and an angry kitten will poo on your doorstep. Fair warning.


* Thanks to everyone who has endorsed RH_IronSights, and thanks to everyone who voted it File of the Month in November '09!


Welcome to the forums btw 8)

Edited by tortured Tomato
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