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Immersively getting rid of corpses in a lightweight way


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So there are these corpses. You want to get rid of them, but in an immersive way.
So far I've seen these possibilities on the nexus:

A corpse disintegration spell (from the Collision Fix Mod).
Bury the dead. Abandoned since 2012, still a few bugs. Ongoing scripts.
Clean up your corpses. Far from lightweight. Nothing more to say.

Now with a lot of scripted mods, script lag and corrupted save games I started to appreciate simplicity and thought of a way to get rid of the corpses but still have the feeling of satisfaction.
Then I saw these animations of Familiar Faces and Clean up your corpses where the "soul ascends to heaven". This one combined with the disintegration spell mentioned before would get rid of the corpses and give the nice feeling of sending the soul to Sovngarde while not having any ongoing scripts in the game.

Now ... This is currently beyond my abilities of modding.
If someone wants to pick up this idea, perfect!
If someone knows how to implement these animations and is willing to help me, I will dare to dive deeper into the CK. Any information will be much appreciated.


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Same here. I'd love a good immersive way of getting rid of bodies, especially in towns (out in the country it doesn't matter much). I have corpses all over from vampire attacks and such. Maybe something like a body cleanup crew with a couple of dirty NPCs picking up the bodies?

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