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I'm just wondering if there's a way to buy the same game engine that Bioware uses? Or are they exlusive for them? (I'm talking about Lycium engine, that is used in DA2)



Edited by Veylia
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It's exclusive to BioWare. Lycium was simply a heavily modified/enhanced version of the Eclipse engine, (also developed by BioWare) which was used for DAO/DAA. AFAIK it's not sold or licensed to individuals.


But... I just asked a certain senior BioWare producer I know, so we'll see what he says. :geek:

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It's exclusive to BioWare. Lycium was simply a heavily modified/enhanced version of the Eclipse engine, (also developed by BioWare) which was used for DAO/DAA. AFAIK it's not sold or licensed to individuals.


But... I just asked a certain senior BioWare producer I know, so we'll see what he says. :geek:

Oh? :D let me know as soon as he says something about it :) my dream is to work as a game-developer on Bioware someday, and I really want to learn their previous engines :)

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It's exclusive to BioWare. Lycium was simply a heavily modified/enhanced version of the Eclipse engine, (also developed by BioWare) which was used for DAO/DAA. AFAIK it's not sold or licensed to individuals.


But... I just asked a certain senior BioWare producer I know, so we'll see what he says. :geek:

Oh? :D let me know as soon as he says something about it :smile: my dream is to work as a game-developer on Bioware someday, and I really want to learn their previous engines :smile:


Huh? :ermm:

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