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Real time clock in HUD


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that's it, i would like someone with scripting knowledge to create a real time in hud clock (no game time, there are many clocks with game time already -_-), like this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44091/?, not so fancy though, i just want to see the real time xD, without having to have a damn item or pressing a letter on the keyboard, or having the clock appearing every now and then, NO!, i want a permanent clock. simple as that, but surprisingly hard to find :sad:


i think it has to be compatible with most of the huds mods out there (darnified, etc), i really hope someone can do it, been looking for a mod like this for quite sometime, and thanks for reading!

Edited by monkeyangie
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you have the right mod.


The purpose of the mod
The mod adds some widgets to the HUD which can display different time related informations:
- The current in game time can be displayed using a symbol and a textual representation
- The current in game date can be displayed using text.
- The real life time and date can be displayed using text.
The mod is highly configurable through the SkyUI Mod Configuration Menu.
You just need to use the MCM menu. ;)
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EDIT: I decided to hide that when I realised there are other people who have done most of the work and could expand and existing or just do a Real Time mod.


After some more feedback I have resumed work on this mod.

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EDIT: I decided to hide that when I realised there are other people who have done most of the work and could expand and existing or just do a Real Time mod.


After some more feedback I have resumed work on this mod.


i dont know about what people you are talking about, because i have never seen this mod, maybe you should of left the mod up and give credit instead of hiding it, anyway, i download it and i must say is perfect!, i thank you specially for taking your time to do it, i would of love to see the clock on hud, but im happy anyway :)

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Just an update where I am nearly ready to release version 2.


The settings are for position, font and color


You can either set the the text Left,Top (X,Y) in pixels or as a fraction.

The advantage of doing either as a fraction is moving across monitors in your home Lan whatever.


The font is 1-5 as Oblivion only has 5 fonts.


The color is rgb hexadecimal which you can get in a number of ways.

If you have GIMP or Photoshop you can open their color pickers to get the hex value.

I'll also put a color picker on the documentation which is almost finished btw.

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EDIT: I decided to hide that when I realised there are other people who have done most of the work and could expand and existing or just do a Real Time mod.


After some more feedback I have resumed work on this mod.


i dont know about what people you are talking about, because i have never seen this mod, maybe you should of left the mod up and give credit instead of hiding it, anyway, i download it and i must say is perfect!, i thank you specially for taking your time to do it, i would have love to see the clock on hud, but im happy anyway :smile:


He's talking about HUD Status Bars Enhanced (look in my signature). Among the other features, it allow you to set a game time clock and/or real time clock. It's a big mod with many features, so you may want to use glowplug's mod if you don't want those features.

Edited by forli
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