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Never Satisfied



12 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you satisfied with your mods?

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So I have been playing this game and downloading all these great mods


even my recent search with the male armors was solved


(ie: why cant male armors be more form fitting...) boom low and behold someone made it


and they directed me to a link even lol


but now i keep getting new mods to use and once i get it I AM NEVER SATISFIED lol


not with the work itself but with the game as a whole, the continual search for the perfect (game) or mods collection


anyone else have this champagne problem? lol

Edited by peppock
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For me its more like I never get tired of testing the newest ones that are supposedly great. New graphics and quest is what I really go for, never satisfied for those! :biggrin:
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Wow, that poll's confusing to answer..


I actually don't like using mods all that much. I do get the potato chip effect when it comes to making mods though. I see a brilliant idea and can't help but want to make it. That usually ends up being a problem when I find I don't have the time to make it due to the other 5 mods I'm making..

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Generally, once I get tired of a set of armor or clothing, I'll look for more. Of if I have spent hours just wandering the countryside doing nothing, I'll look for the occasional quest mod.

Most of them are pretty bad, though, so I rarely ever finish them.

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