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hi there. im new to this site and new to mods in general. this was the first time i ever downloaded mods, but i was on my third play through and figured itd be a fun thing to mess around with. any who i downloaded a bunch of mods for my female elf mage lvl 17 and they all worked great, but i was thinking of how i wanted to start a new profile and mess with these same mods from the start, so i restarted a male human rogue and only a couple mods showed up for him. i thought maybe the others would show up when i got to bohdan, when they didnt. specifically the Grey Warden Runic Armor, Black Templar Armor (with Blood Mage Hunter skin overlay) and the Immortality Ring (there were a handful of others that didnt transfer, but i dont care about those others) the ones that did transfer were some Tomes and some staffs i had gotten for my mage. i looked in the DL Content and its all there. so i tried reintalling it. nothing. i tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. nothing. i DLed some other stuff (a couple of bows) and they showed up just fine. i started a new guy real quick to see if something went wrong and once i start a new guy and then loaded him up he got the same stuff that transfered to the other guy (as well as the new stuff i DLed on the other guy) do i need to progress until i get bohdan stage 2 (where he actually keeps the items you sell to him) or what? idk what to do.


thanks for your help guys

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Many armor mods only have a single set of armor (most often for female armors). There is no male armor included. You didn't link to the mods you're using, so I can't guarantee, but that's my "educated guess" on the subject.
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no none of them were female only. but heres the links

GW Runic Armor: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=647

Black Templar Armor: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=184

Blood Mage Hunter Reskin: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=273

Ring of Immortality: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2003


like i said they all worked on my first character, but not this new one. hopefully i ill see some hints/solutions after i wake up. its beddy bye time now :P

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Ever since game patch 1.03, many (most?) mods that add items directly to your inventory will fail with a BRAND NEW GAME.


The fix is as follows:


Disable/remove the mods that add items.

Start a new game and make your new character.

Play until you can make your first Save.

Exit the game.

Reenable/restore the mods.

Restart the game and load the Save.


The items should now appear as expected. :thumbsup:

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wow vry sorry about that triple post, i dont see any way to delete the post either but anyways it worked thank you


i still didnt get my Black Templar Armor, so ill try it a few more times and a couple of different things, if not ill just DL some different armor no biggie :P


thanks all

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Hoofhearted- First off, welcome to the nexus! I'm glad to see that you were able to get the problem with the gear taken care of. Yeah, for this particular game, its a pretty common issue. Since patch 1.03 and patch 1.04.

Pretty easy fix, tho one that's easy to forget to do.


Members dont have the ability to actually delete their posts. I went ahead and removed your dupe posts for you ;)

IF you have a problem with that again (usually caused by lag) you can click on the [ ! ] Report icon there at the bottom of your post under your name. That will send a message to us staff members that there's a problem, or that somebody did something wrong. Just type in a message saying that you "got hit with duplicate posts, could you please delete them?" And the staffers here will take care of it for you ;)


Enjoy your game, and again, welcome to the nexus! :)

Edited by DarkeWolf
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Hoofhearted- OOOOPS!! I totally missed the part where you are having problems with the black templar armor! :( I am really sorry about that! :(

There's two versions of that mod. One which adds the armor directly to the player's inventory, and one that adds it to the dwarf merchant Bodahn there in the player's camp.

Double check on him to see if it loaded in his inventory. It might be that you're playing with the version that adds it to him instead.


In case that you're still having trouble with it, I whipped up a console script that will add it directly to your inventory. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QCO4HRNR


Download it from the link that I just posted, and run it thru your virus scanner(s). I wouldnt ever send you something bad, but I make it a habit to recommend to people that they never blindly trust files that they download off the 'net ;)


You'll need to have the console activated for your game to use it. Once you have the developer console enabled and active in the game, type in the following command- runscript add_blacktemplar

and then tap the [enter] key on your keyboard. That will make the game load another set of the armor directly to the player's inventory.


Directions for the console- http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console


to install the script just download the .zip file that I had to pack it into, and extract the "Add_BlackTemplar_Armor" folder directly to your Override folder, located in C:\Users\"UserName"\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override


There's also a readme text file included in the folder, to let you know what you need to do ;)


Hope this helps! :)


Edited by DarkeWolf
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yea i got it all worked out. just deleted it and re DLed it.


and idk how to install the console. it says change the name of the Target, but idk what the target is... :/ im very new to computer stuff lol

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Heyas :)


K, when you right click on the icon on your desktop that is your shortcut to dragon age you get a menu of options that pops out. scroll to the bottom and choose Properties.


In the properties window, you will have a box where beside it, it reads "Target:" And then a box with a file location in it. You should change the text inside that box to read "C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole


Now keep in mind tho that there's a bit of difference if you're using a STEAM version of the game. Those instructions are listed just a little bit lower.

That page is again, listed here- http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console


Hope that this helps you get it going :)

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