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question to namechange


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I take it you didn't read this:



You will see it says that we do not ever allow multiple accounts. If someone in your house has an account, and you have the same IP, you should let the staff know you're separate people to avoid a mixup.


Username changes are done very, very rarely, and on a case-by-case basis by the admins. If you're bored of your username, you should ask that this account be banned, and if you can create a new one instead. Accounts are never actually deleted here, admins will instead lock them.

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I take it you didn't read this:



You will see it says that we do not ever allow multiple accounts. If someone in your house has an account, and you have the same IP, you should let the staff know you're separate people to avoid a mixup.


Username changes are done very, very rarely, and on a case-by-case basis by the admins. If you're bored of your username, you should ask that this account be banned, and if you can create a new one instead. Accounts are never actually deleted here, admins will instead lock them.


well its not because of boredom - I created a account here because I thought its one of those websites, where I download one file and never come back.

meanwhile I figured out that this website is really awesome and im often here to have a stay and I regret my accountname. ;/

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well its not because of boredom - I created a account here because I thought its one of those websites, where I download one file and never come back.

meanwhile I figured out that this website is really awesome and im often here to have a stay and I regret my accountname. ;/

Regardless of reason (and I would guess that "regret my original choice" is probably one of the most common ones for wanting a change of username... :laugh: ) I think BlackBaron gave you the right answer for this situation.


Send a PM to a Moderator requesting that your account be banned, then create a new one with a username you like. The PM conversation will provide the info so that all of the staff know you weren't pulling a "banned-and-came-back" stunt. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dovahkiin187 would like to be just Dovahkiin (Dragonborn), I would highly appreciate it although that may not be possible right now seeing how many people there are.

I just ran a check. Unfortunately... the one that you're wanting to change to is already taken. :(

Tho, if you want to check other names that you might be interested in click there --> http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/members/


then type the name you might want in the search box and let it do a search.

I'll warn though, the search function takes a LONG time, so don't freak out if it seems like it's not doing anything for a minute or two. ;)


And yeah, need to contact one of the upper members of the staff, not post it here in this thread ;)

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