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Prorgamm for better Oblivion performance?


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Hey all!

Since I´m using COBL or OBGE or what do I know (I installed them in the same time...) Oblivion is really getting laggy... A friend told me about a programm that stops running programms that are not required to play oblivion (excluding antivirus). Does anyone know how it´s called? Or a link?



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Cobl will not cause any lag to your game whatsoever. OBGE could, but your antivirus certainly WILL. When playing games, particularly graphic intensive games like Oblivion, you should temporarily disable your antivirus but disconnect from the internet to be safe. You can also try Streamline (requires OBSE). The name of the application that you mentioned is Game Booster.
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Cobl will not cause any lag to your game whatsoever. OBGE could, but your antivirus certainly WILL. When playing games, particularly graphic intensive games like Oblivion, you should temporarily disable your antivirus but disconnect from the internet to be safe. You can also try Streamline (requires OBSE). The name of the application that you mentioned is Game Booster.



Ah yes that was it^^ THX!

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