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My Rant At the Gaming Industry


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Well after playing a multitude of games over the past almost 15 years of my life,Ive noticed something. Its all the same now.All the racers are the same,all the shooters are the same,all the rpgs errirly feel the same way. BUt let me digress into a few subjects



Game Engines-I love pretty graphics.Ironclads SOASE,CCPs EVE online,they look fantastic. the Unreal Tech Engine,is just fantastic. The Gambryo engine has its moments too. But in these engines,(seems like the Gambryo hasnt) have all gone FORWARD. The UTE gets better and better every year! But the Gambryo engine,despite being slightly newer,feels like it hasnt advanced at all.THe same stupid anoyying bugs persist and well,it really ruins a game.



Enemy AI-I love a game where the ai isnt an idiot. Gears of War,Tom Clancy,Halo,DiRt,FOrza,all had great AIs.Fallout 3,decent,made better with the modding community,but NV is terrible!! Its the same attack patterns for every single npc.nobody uses cover and its all charge get owned with my shotgun. In Gears they at least tried to use flanking,and concentrated fire,but here in some games,its pathetic.


Story telling-Almost every game since 2000 I have felt lacked a good storyline in it.Halo was great,until 2 and 3 dropped the ball. THe RPGs had mostly good stories if stale and repetive.I mean,its always Go do this go collect that for the rpgs or go kill so and so or go kill so many of these for shooters. its all the same nowadays


Broken Promises/Broken gameplay/half-assed ideas-Fallouts victim of this,SPORE is hughly raped of this,Singularity is hurt from it.So many games are from devs being stuck in the time constraints. go watch the E3 debut of SPORE on youtube,then play it.it feels so half baked. Singularity,a game iwth a great idea,and concept,thats proven to be fun and fresh,killed by a time constraint.Fallout 3s unimplimented Ironsights,New Vegases half baked weapon mods are a few examples of this.


Hype-COD,Crysis(AKA the Computer Killer) and so many other games become ruined by hype.Or they just become so hyped up you just wanna punch that so of a turd knocker for constantly talking about it every 30 seconds *cough*black ops*cough*


Greed-I know changing times mean changing vaules.But come on? Seriously? Sure collectors editions should be worth more and thats cool,but the game prices in general are rising. Even the bargin bin games are still expensive.Look at Singularity,a game that came out in June of 2010. Rlease? 60 bucks fine and dandy. But Come fo now its STILL 60 bucks.Im not supporting pircay,but these high game prices force it onto people :/ Along with DRM..


Onto the DRM.Its cool,I like it.the idfea of it anyways it keeps pirates away.welll no..its been proven time and time again,people will want to break anything thats protected.DRM doesnt stop piracy it only slows it downs and proves that its kinda hard to stop. I dont like it because its not so much fun when it decides to goof up.Steam is famouse for this,and so many other tried and yet failed are too. the concept is sound,but the action isnt. I mean,Im sure im not the only one who has had a DRM fail on you when you have the disc and it refuses to work ever again. OR EAs stupid 3 time install thing.


Well this is mah rant for now,lets hear a mature discussion on the topics presented :D its laways fun to get those kinds of things going.

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RPG storyline: A giant thing is gonna destroy everything. Gain power and kill it.

RTS: A giant thing is gonna destroy everything. Gain more troops and kill it.

FPS: Progress through a bunch of linear levels until you kill a giant thing.

MMO: What's a storyline?

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Yeah thats pretty much it. I mean An MMO can be fun,but when you try to do the PVE missions,they always repeat,thats why I could never get into WOW or EQ.EVE is starting to grate on me with the constant repetition of the PVE missions..
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EVE is starting to grate on me with the constant repetition of the PVE missions..

Um, I think that's why there's so much of an emphasis on PVP elements in EVE. There's a basic storyline, but the rest is up to the community to make for themselves.


And for the sake of fairness, WoW, from what I've seen actually tries to establish some sort of storyline.



For a point of clarity, storylines in any MMO is rather difficult since everyone doesn't start at the same place and the world would have to be on the brink of total destruction just about every month to keep people interested (for about 6-7 months).

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Game Engines-I love pretty graphics.Ironclads SOASE,CCPs EVE online,they look fantastic. the Unreal Tech Engine,is just fantastic. The Gambryo engine has its moments too. But in these engines,(seems like the Gambryo hasnt) have all gone FORWARD. The UTE gets better and better every year! But the Gambryo engine,despite being slightly newer,feels like it hasnt advanced at all.THe same stupid anoyying bugs persist and well,it really ruins a game.


Actually, Gamebryo is pretty high up there as well. Bethesda just failed at using the engine(which frankly, a lot of people only seem to judge Gamebryo based on Bethesda games, which frankly, is unfair, and does absolultley no justice to the engine.)






Direction lighting, Dynamic shadows, destructible environments, even CLOTH PHYSICS(oh yeah!)! yeah, Gamebryo has it(even if some is from 3rd parties) it's still there, and not being used by....who? Bethesda!


And what makes it better is the engine's handling ability, so if someone where to actually put time and effort into what they're making and putting into Gamebryo, you can make some VERY beautiful games. That Coldwood tech demo is a GREAT example of what you can do with Gamebryo...I mean, really, could you imagine if Bethesda actually used their engine properly? Oblivion would look that good, if not even better(and have actually capes that look...well, like capes :P)

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I remember these games :) but I just dont get it.THESE Gambryo engine tweaks are fantastic,yet other developers leave the same consitant bugs in them,yet Bethsoft continues to let it lag and fall behind. And people who forget(as I did) about these other great Gambryo based games will end up attacking the engine. I just cite dev laziness.


Pity Bethsoft can pull their heads out of their butts and fix the bugs and MAKE their games look like current gen games not something from 2005.


Cause to be honest,I dont know why I need such a powerful computer to run Fo3 when the textures etc arent the best of quality

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