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My Rant At the Gaming Industry


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Why do I seem to be the only one who wants the game companies to make money? The more money they have the more money they can invest in the next game. I remember back when I could write a game by myself that was close to as good as any game you could buy. That day is long, long gone and that is a good thing. How much money has Bethesda put into Skrim? Can a company that doesn't earn large profits make such an investment?


The above statement is not in any way an endorsement of Steam or any other particular tactic game companies and publishers use. ;)



Oh I want them to invest into the next game,but im tiring of the same old pardon me shitty games. Im getting tired of these huge conglomerates killing the competition before it even gets off the ground. EA has killed more games than I can count. Sure its a good thing,but all they care about is profits. Not what the customer wants.SPORE is a great example of it.so many good ideas because EA wanted to capitalize on a diffrent age group? I mean come on,at least make it so we can fix your retarded mistakes..



I agree that good quality games are not made so much anymore like Vampire: The Masquerade Redemption or Bloodlines, now they are some class games.


Sure theres some good games out there but I ment RPG-Open Ended games that make you do what you wish to do.


I have not played much games in the last few years but the ones I have played, i have not found another game quite like them.


Like Dungeon Siege (original games) DS2 was ok but it did not require loading of any sort (except Loading the World)


Devslike Interplay, Black isle Studios , Edios,( and some of the lesser known Studios that have made tremedous games in the past) have either disapated, gone bankrupt, been bought out and renamed or still fighting for suvival but not enough to create any new games to date.


The Global ecomony in gaming in my eyes is slowly dying, especially for PC based games. (Example is when I view into my local Games store (Game, gamestation, HMV) they either have little or no PC section. I have to refer to go online or to one of the bigger stores.


There used to be 3 independant Gaming stores but they ran out of business during the UK Rescession.


The last one closed down about 4 years ago and now there is a poxy hair salon there... and 4 other salons are just next to it.


I guess getting your hair done is the way of future gaming.


I know getting games either via steam or what ever is the thing right now, but I always prefered a "Hard copy" of the disc not some File download. that would take hours even a day or so on my little wireless broadband.


And say if it got deleted or my cpu died I would guess I would have to pay for it again, adding more to the Fat cats Pockets


Ok I think I said my "two-cents" And no, they can not have my two-cents niether.




Bingo. Hardcopy to me,always wins. Comp USA is gone.Radio Shack used to be the top dog for a computer parts/games supplier,Gamestop was too,now its like 10 games and theyre all garbage games nooone wants.I mean what about us people that dont always connect to the net? Steam just destroys my connection whenever i leave it connected. So it takes hours/days to get a large game file into my comp. It seems like the local Wal-Mart or Target has the best game selection

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EA has killed more games than I can count.


I agree, EA is one of the worse companies around in my opinion. I won't buy an EA game unless it's something I have to have and the last time I remember that was the last NCAA Football PC game they made. I think it was 1999 or something. It was worse than the previous year at that.

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Its all due to publishers to those who think otherwise. There are many a inde game companies out there with FANTASTIC ideas but the publishers rwant to take those idea and warp them into something they want. Take Intersteller Marines for example. They want to make a game a good looking game Btw but publishers wanted to put their own spin on the game. The devolpers would have none of this and went off on their own so they could make a game that they wanted to make. Hell Iv already bout the game and its a good two more years before it comes out. Yet they have three "betas" released to the public to get support. This is an amazing feat and a publisher would never allow something like this to happen.

Anywho I think the blame goes soley on the publishers of games. They need to stop being so tightly wound and take a step back and ask the gamers what they want.

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Games from big publishers aren't developed for gamers, they're developed for markets and demographics. The marketing division of those big publishers (think EA, Activision and the like) actually have a lot to say about what goes in the game and what doesn't, based on their investment/return calculations. A big publisher wouldn't dream of marketing an indie game if they didn't expect to make a substantial profit off it.
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Game Engines-I love pretty graphics.Ironclads SOASE,CCPs EVE online,they look fantastic. the Unreal Tech Engine,is just fantastic. The Gambryo engine has its moments too. But in these engines,(seems like the Gambryo hasnt) have all gone FORWARD. The UTE gets better and better every year! But the Gambryo engine,despite being slightly newer,feels like it hasnt advanced at all.THe same stupid anoyying bugs persist and well,it really ruins a game.


Actually, Gamebryo is pretty high up there as well. Bethesda just failed at using the engine(which frankly, a lot of people only seem to judge Gamebryo based on Bethesda games, which frankly, is unfair, and does absolultley no justice to the engine.)




Direction lighting, Dynamic shadows, destructible environments, even CLOTH PHYSICS(oh yeah!)! yeah, Gamebryo has it(even if some is from 3rd parties) it's still there, and not being used by....who? Bethesda!


And what makes it better is the engine's handling ability, so if someone where to actually put time and effort into what they're making and putting into Gamebryo, you can make some VERY beautiful games. That Coldwood tech demo is a GREAT example of what you can do with Gamebryo...I mean, really, could you imagine if Bethesda actually used their engine properly? Oblivion would look that good, if not even better(and have actually capes that look...well, like capes :P)

FINALLY someone else that shares the same view. I'm sick of people ragging on engines, when despite certain limitations it is the developers that fail in their usage of those technologies -- the tools are aways the first to get blamed...

Edited by evertaile
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Game Engines-I love pretty graphics.Ironclads SOASE,CCPs EVE online,they look fantastic. the Unreal Tech Engine,is just fantastic. The Gambryo engine has its moments too. But in these engines,(seems like the Gambryo hasnt) have all gone FORWARD. The UTE gets better and better every year! But the Gambryo engine,despite being slightly newer,feels like it hasnt advanced at all.THe same stupid anoyying bugs persist and well,it really ruins a game.


Actually, Gamebryo is pretty high up there as well. Bethesda just failed at using the engine(which frankly, a lot of people only seem to judge Gamebryo based on Bethesda games, which frankly, is unfair, and does absolultley no justice to the engine.)




Direction lighting, Dynamic shadows, destructible environments, even CLOTH PHYSICS(oh yeah!)! yeah, Gamebryo has it(even if some is from 3rd parties) it's still there, and not being used by....who? Bethesda!


And what makes it better is the engine's handling ability, so if someone where to actually put time and effort into what they're making and putting into Gamebryo, you can make some VERY beautiful games. That Coldwood tech demo is a GREAT example of what you can do with Gamebryo...I mean, really, could you imagine if Bethesda actually used their engine properly? Oblivion would look that good, if not even better(and have actually capes that look...well, like capes :P)

FINALLY someone else that shares the same view. I'm sick of people ragging on engines, when despite certain limitations it is the developers that fail in their usage of those technologies -- the tools are aways the first to get blamed...


I agree too,but i didnt realize some of those games WERE Gambryo based lol.


Well the gaming industry in general is dying. EPIC had to close an office i think last year.Austin one was it? I cant recall. EA totally killed Sim City. EA USED to be good now its garbage. I give the industry another 10 years before people get fed up with it

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What irks me the most is how potentially game breaking bugs are left in games at launch while the publishers, developer and all responsible for the game are fully aware (See Fable 3 for example). Also, first day DLC - WTF!!! What aboput content already existing in a game that ha to be unlocked by special purchase? It's not so much the technical limitations of game engines, or the coding and artistry skills of the designers and creators, but the inner developmental piracy that goes on. I can understand planned DLC to an extent, after all when a huge amount of games generate more revenue as second hand or pre-owned sales (not a penny of which goes to the developers or pubbers) it's a method of ensuring first time buyers hold on to their purchase and that second-hand buyers still generate some form of revenue.


However, I've noticed several pre-owned games retailers no longer accepting PC games due to onine activation (one time only stuff) and Steam!



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What irks me the most is how potentially game breaking bugs are left in games at launch while the publishers, developer and all responsible for the game are fully aware (See Fable 3 for example). Also, first day DLC - WTF!!! What aboput content already existing in a game that ha to be unlocked by special purchase? It's not so much the technical limitations of game engines, or the coding and artistry skills of the designers and creators, but the inner developmental piracy that goes on. I can understand planned DLC to an extent, after all when a huge amount of games generate more revenue as second hand or pre-owned sales (not a penny of which goes to the developers or pubbers) it's a method of ensuring first time buyers hold on to their purchase and that second-hand buyers still generate some form of revenue.


However, I've noticed several pre-owned games retailers no longer accepting PC games due to onine activation (one time only stuff) and Steam!



Both of witch are stupid I agree 110%. Spore had invisible walls,holes in the ground,FNV is the same way too. Its rushing. And stuff like this is why people turn to piracy. I mean preorder stuff is usally cooler and all but is it really worth it?


Soo what happens IF your computer crashes and your disk fries itself? Youre out 60 or more dollars.

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Game Engines-I love pretty graphics.Ironclads SOASE,CCPs EVE online,they look fantastic. the Unreal Tech Engine,is just fantastic. The Gambryo engine has its moments too. But in these engines,(seems like the Gambryo hasnt) have all gone FORWARD. The UTE gets better and better every year! But the Gambryo engine,despite being slightly newer,feels like it hasnt advanced at all.THe same stupid anoyying bugs persist and well,it really ruins a game.


Actually, Gamebryo is pretty high up there as well. Bethesda just failed at using the engine(which frankly, a lot of people only seem to judge Gamebryo based on Bethesda games, which frankly, is unfair, and does absolultley no justice to the engine.)






Direction lighting, Dynamic shadows, destructible environments, even CLOTH PHYSICS(oh yeah!)! yeah, Gamebryo has it(even if some is from 3rd parties) it's still there, and not being used by....who? Bethesda!


And what makes it better is the engine's handling ability, so if someone where to actually put time and effort into what they're making and putting into Gamebryo, you can make some VERY beautiful games. That Coldwood tech demo is a GREAT example of what you can do with Gamebryo...I mean, really, could you imagine if Bethesda actually used their engine properly? Oblivion would look that good, if not even better(and have actually capes that look...well, like capes :P)


Thanks for posting those, Gamebryo gets a lot of stick it doesn't deserve purely down to Bethesdas incompetence. Those getting excited about Skyrim being on a new engine may well end up disappointed, there's no reason to think Bethesda will use this one any better than they did Gamebryo. Play Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga, when you're soaring above the fortresses in dragon form it's hard to believe it's the same engine clunky old Oblivion uses.



Games from big publishers aren't developed for gamers, they're developed for markets and demographics. The marketing division of those big publishers (think EA, Activision and the like) actually have a lot to say about what goes in the game and what doesn't, based on their investment/return calculations. A big publisher wouldn't dream of marketing an indie game if they didn't expect to make a substantial profit off it.


^^^This. The sooner developers can sell directly to customers via downloads and cut out the middle man the better, publishers are the problem, not developers.

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The sooner developers can sell directly to customers via downloads and cut out the middle man the better, publishers are the problem, not developers.


Bravo -- my sentiments exactly!


As for DKS (Divinity 2) - I agree. However, Larian did put a lot of effort into that game, it was a true labor of love to say the least. Consider hat they couldn't find a willing publisher till the very near the end of development - most of the funding for the game came from fans, messageboard donations and the employees pockets. I even heard that they'd solicited the game to Johnnie de Mol and Joop den Ende of Endemol productions (the company responsible for Big Brother, among other reality shows) in the hope of enough funding to self-publish. For Larian Studios, the end result is a triumph - and many features also used in Oblivion and Fallout are realised in a far superior manner (dynamic reflections, non-intrusive or overbright HDR, softer shaders) - but the scars of low developmental funding are still visible in the end product, the repetition and reuse of the same meshes for nearly every piece of armor, the same NPCs over and over with very minor distinction from the player character - but the game mechanics are sound, the dragon's flight is seemless, smooth and as I said, a well executed triumph. That's why I push for a SDK, this game NEEDS the modding comunity to finish off what Larian started, can you imagine.


The main problem with how Gamebryo is seen is Bethesda's use of it as someone stated earlier, and the fact that the general assumption seems to be that the Fallout GECK and Elderscrolls CS are realistic representations of the engine. For the record, they're not. They are simply a very basic toolset that is severely gimped and in no way whatsoever reflects the actual engine or its capabilities.



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