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Weapon mod ideas


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Ah, yes! Very good mod for oblivion.


Skyrim's weapons looked to blaa to me in the Game Informer mag. I do think Beth knows what to be ' bland' or 'bad' with just for the moders.


All I care about is the SPEAR. SPEAR I say!

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.. Well i for one hope the vanilla game is almost only 'bland' weapons, read real looking. ofc some of better make than others, but i'm against the tier esque system of oblivion. if ebony is a material, then why does every ebony long sword look the same? is there no smithing in oblivion?


Materials, yes, tiers no. hope smithing allows you to assemble a weapon based of multiple materials or even blends of several (metallurgy) Like mix some mithril and iron to make > something etc. But i'm dreaming, no way smithing will be done that well.

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Well, i doubt they have put much work into items such as weapons yet. the hard stuff like dragons or animations get done first, while the tedious take up the brunt of the time (world placing) The final weapon designs probably gets done close to last in alpha.


No those are probably the near finished weapons. Maybe you haven't played Morrowind or remember Oblivion but the early screens of those showed off the rather poor weapon designs. The glass blades looked like rock candy with handles and the elvish weapons looked like one giant hilt with no real blade.

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You could also include more traditional dwarven weaponry, such as the axes seen in Lord of the Rings.



http://images.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/lordoftherings/images/uc1397.jpg http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/55237/55237,1149288451,2/stock-photo-ornate-double-headed-battle-axe-isolated-1394779.jpg http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images//AUTOIMAGES/UC2628lg.jpg


meh those look like mostly have the same problem as vanilla weapons, fat, overly elaborate for an actual combat and poorly weighted. I want my models to look like something you would see in a museum, solid, trim and ready.

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I would say many museum pieces are but not all are decorative. Even those that are elaborate are usually much better proportioned and combat ready than the oversized chunky things you see in video games. I went to an arms exhibit in the Tower of London and despite many royaly commissioned pieces there was a good selection of fine crafted battle ready gear.


I know I'm pretty much nit picking it to hell but I love real medieval arms and armor. Flashy fantasy stuff vs combat designed gear is like the difference between a kids toy car and an authentic 1950s roadster or a plastic laser pistol and a 1937 Mauser C96.


It really breaks the immersion for me when I keep thinking that the weapon looks like it was made in some Pakistani factory to be sold in a mail order fantasy weapon catalog. It should look like it was hand made by a master craftsmen and designed for one thing, killing.


Yes Yes, right now you are saying "Dude it's a fantasy game, what did you expect?" But thats the thing. A real Nordic weapon will look handmade, and usefull in combat similar to what an authentic Norwegian weapon might look like. Why can't a Dwarven weapon look similarly hand crafted and ready for combat but just of a different style and approach?

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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bah double post


Here is a concept image I painted up really quick. I listed some of my problems with the original design and painted a historically based axe which would be a little more realistic for combat.




A. the end of the haft of the axe is HUGE. Axes are intended to have the weight balanced forward for powerful swings. Also it looks like it's clipping his hand like he can't fit his fingers around it.


B. The wood looks unfinished like it still has bark on it. It needs a softer, finer, sanded look, like it is a finished handle.


C. The blade looks really fat and would weigh a ton. That much iron/steel would probably weigh 10-15 lbs based on some of the solid metal free weights I have laying around. This is just way too heavy for a single handed weapon. Also most of the weight is centered on metal around the shaft, where it attaches. The weight needs to be pushed forward into the blade, not the center of the weapon. This will give you more swinging power. It is imperative that the metal around the shaft be relatively thin.


My axe may look smaller but by all laws of physics and based on historic representation it would be far more deadly.


After further thought, I'de like to take off that point on the end of the blade on my axe and have be more like a traditional bearded axe... but you get the point. :thumbsup:

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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Ah, yes! Very good mod for oblivion.


Skyrim's weapons looked to blaa to me in the Game Informer mag. I do think Beth knows what to be ' bland' or 'bad' with just for the moders.


All I care about is the SPEAR. SPEAR I say!

Are you suggesting Oblivions or Morrowinds were better? Those screenshots could possibly be in alpha stages still as we speak. Are you a fan?? They still might have spears, just not in the traditional sense as stated by Todd himself in the podcast. He just said spears in the traditional sense, he doesn't see them doing!

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