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Vampire Life


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My vampire Corrine still goes about her day to day life very much like she did before vampirism, with a few exceptions. First of all, I use a mod called Lithian's Nature of the Beast, which allows her to look completely normal if she's fed fairly recently, and people treat her just like everyone else. It also allows her to transform into a bat, wolf, or mist and increase her strength and agility for a time. So again, when she's fully fed and in human form, she behaves like a human and does whatever quests suit her fancy as a thief/assassin, and lives in normal houses (the few she owns) and interacts with others more or less normally. However, when she starts to thirst for blood, things change...


The first actual change is that she appears as a vampire again without the ability to look human (although the only thing that actually changes is she gets red eyes and fangs you can't see), and people start to run or attack her on sight if she gets too close. Most of her companions DON'T like her as a vampire, so she does not spend any time with them in vampire form, she leaves them at various houses or Battlehorn Castle. There's a lot of roleplaying that happens when Corrine advances in vampirism, and I'll usually have her change clothes to a vampire gown or catsuit instead of armor or her usual clothing. I also toss her usual pacifistic nature to the wind, and she has no qualms about attacking travellers who assault her, either in vampire or wolf form. She will always have the ultimate goal of feeding before the night is over, regardless of the consequences or damage done, although if she can't make it to a victim before the sun comes up, she'll generally hide out in one of her private "haunts". The first one is the haunted manor in Anvil, which she cleared the ghosts out of but otherwise has kept filthy, dark, and decrepit to suit her dark vampire nature. Also, the upper floors of Battlehorn castle remain undecorated, and she accesses the top floor by the hatch on the roof (either by bat, mist, or enhanced jumping) so as not to be seen by any of her servants or companions.


Anyway, once Corrine has fed and reverted to her "less vampiric" self, she'll return to normal behavior, occasionally even making efforts to undo some of the damage she's done as a more advanced vampire. It's kind of fun to roleplay the dual nature of the character, it's similar to my Breton, Christian, and the way he behaved like a hero normally but an absolute nightmare when his lycanthropy kicked in... :devil:

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Well, right now I'm turning most people in Cheydinhal into my Thralls, imprisoning those I do not find worthy, and I'm preparing to march towards other cities with them, they will all fall. But this is the endgame as I'm done with that character. (Using Unholy Darkness Vampire mod)


Backstory being, she's lived in secrecy for too long, and wants to go out with a bang.


Before that she infiltrated the mages guild until she had gained enough trust and power to turn the higher ups into thralls, then attacking the fighters guild. As that guild is the only current threat against my character.


Complete the dark Brotherhood ofc, with Arthmoor's mod added.


I've actually not completed that many quests in this playthrough, as I'm trying to roleplay (for once) and I end up doing my own thing when I disagree with the questgiver. Which results in a lot of failed quests. <.<


The first one is the haunted manor in Anvil, which she cleared the ghosts out of but otherwise has kept filthy, dark, and decrepit to suit her dark vampire nature.

Really nice and cozy hideout for a young vampire, used it as well. But I kept the ghosts alive as my guards. (mod that let me join the necromancer faction, mannimarco)

They saved my ass several times during the day when I was sleeping, when guards and vampire hunters were trying to kill me.

Edited by Oromish
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Because I use the Lithians Nature Of The Beast mod this give me an advantage even when Im not a vampire.

I work for the Thieves Guild and i used the the RUSH power when I had to steal the Savilla Stone guarded by a magical cristal that atack you.In daylight I go make all kids of quests, but when the moon is up I take the breakfast lunch and dinner :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:.

I dont have companions Im on my own.

To bad I dont know when I turn automatically in a vampire.If I knew the time wouldn't have to run so much from guards. :verymad:

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I would have liked to keep the ghosts alive. I don't have any mods installed with vampire hunters so it would have just been cosmetic. I also like that random beached ship vanilla adds that you can go in, can't recall it's name...
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