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Where did Elsweyr: Anequina go?


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lol so someone posted in some thread, mabye 5 pages long, and whats the terrible part?


you can still download it from beta nexusmods but need to use NMM to download it, the direct links seem deactived. The file extensions the same as the original file page from the regular site. Dont ask me what the distinction is, but all the files are there and confirm they do all download. Note the ElsweyrLandscapeLOD files are included in the main file allready


Strikers link to that thread where she asked to be banned, if you look at her previous post that explains everything: she doesnt have Oblivion installed anymore, so mabye just not comfortable offering the mod knowing she wont provide any further support for technical issues, or like that people ask it its gonna be updated

Edited by nisen
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I noticed that there is a patch to remove spiders. I wish there was a patch to get rid of the lizards as their heads are glued to the ground or my cursor. No other creature is affected. I can find them by looking for the 'cables' stretching across the valley.
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@ Raza: Have you tried the Unofficial Elsweyr Patch, maybe that fixes it :) although i have no idea, try and see if it works.


I guess we see the end of the line for this mod, big thanks to Iliana for her hard work in bringing us this masterpiece. You will never be forgotten, good luck in your travels!

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That sounds a lot like missing or wrong skeleton type issue RazaCovek, probably skeletonbeast.nif or if you're not talking about Argonians then maybe a custom skeleton for whatever critter you're talking about.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would love to have this mod again. If anyone knows what happened to it and/or where I can find it, please let me know. This is indeed a great mod and it would be ashame to not be able to play it.


Edit: As of June 25, 2012, it can be found here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=6813

Edited by bryman1970
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