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Community reaction to Todd's decisions in Skyrim


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I agree.

Taking out spellmaking was the first (and i hope last) mistake in the game's development.


By the way, this video is not mine, I just found it and thought to share it with you guys

Edited by Iv000
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I always liked Picard more xDDDDD


I dont think quit spell making is a huge mistake for three reason, the first one is that spell making, as spears, are not out, just not in the game at the moment, the second one is that they are making more complex and varied base spells, in the end mages will be able to do more thing with their magic than in Oblivion, and the third reason is that he is quite right, i love spell making, but the way it was done in Oblivion and Morrowind was a bit like metagaming, i had lots of fun playing with the parameters to find the most efficient spell to my play style with a certain character, but i think dual spell casting could work out mixing spells or making them more powerful when needed. I also would love some kind of spell making, but something with a more roleplay feel to it.

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in the newest podcast he talks about why spellmaking might be removed, and i kinda agree with him about magic not being so special when its in a spread sheet. btw making a spell using the creation tool would take the same time as it would making it in game. so i kinda dont mind spellmaking being remove since i can very easily find a way around it if i wanted to.


but spears not being in the game does suck, i always play an argonian first and in lore they are very skilled with spears so its kinda lame to be an argonian without the main agronian weapon

Edited by hector530
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I would love to have a spear, it was my main Morrowind weapon, but i also understand that is so much diferent from other weapons it migh be a lot of work to make them, is not handled the same way as a sword, a mace or an axe, even a two handed weapons, it would need its own set of animations for one handed and two handed spears. I didnt miss them in Oblivion but they fit better in a place like Skyrim.
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Have you seen

? I didn't want to start a new thread for that but it's awesome. =D


Hahaha, exactly that was my reaction when i saw that teaser.

I got over-excited, and I still am.

I really can't wait for the game, since the only thing I do the whole day is sitting in front of my PC and doing tech stuff, and playing games :tongue:


But well, AC: Brotherhood will come out some day for PC, and then I will be amused until Skyrim's release :3

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Just wanted to say that it is not certain if Spellmaking will be out or not. They are trying to find good ways to implement it, but if they can, they'll drop it...


It did make Magic less unique and special, so I agree with Todd on that one. :)

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Skyrim is a place with it's own cultures and may be somewhat lower tech than other provinces. I agree that you should really feel like you've accomplished something obtaining magic powers and that magic should look and feel real. Spears are not needed in my opinion. If people want spears in the game they can wait till 11/11/11 and start modding them in, however I don't think skyrim seems like a place where traditional spears would be but that is just an opinion. Just so you know, I did enjoy spears and medium armor in morrowind!!! I believe I heard that they are not making spears in the TRADITIONAL SENSE OF SPEARS so you never know!
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