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What kind of expasion would you like to see



35 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should it take place?

    • Morrowind
    • Cyrodill (200 years later and jungle again)
    • Various planes of Oblivion
    • One of the moons
    • Hammerfell
    • Blackmarsh
    • Elsewyer
    • HighRock
    • Valenwood
    • Outside Tamriel (other parts of Nirn)

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i was thinking maybe they could combine the bottom two provinces, elseywer (can't spell) and the other one to make the next game..and they could make another island for expansion like shivering isles but different somehow.
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I was thinking Summerset Isle


The lore paints it out to be a bit on the dull side (it's an island of farms), but with the increase in Deadra worship, it'd make for a good place to set a DLC quest IMO. Imagine what has happened there in the 200+ years since the Oblivion crisis of Cyrodiil :thumbsup:

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A underwater city would be nice. :3

Yeah, Oblivion was so lacking in the underwater part. Like no practical reason to be lizardman with nothing interesting down there. And also I never got that even the bulk of trade is by ship and waterways look kinda treacherous, only one shipwreck in Cyrodiil, and on land at that. I added my own wrecks but exploring's not the same when I built and placed the things.

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A underwater city would be nice. :3

Yeah, Oblivion was so lacking in the underwater part. Like no practical reason to be lizardman with nothing interesting down there. And also I never got that even the bulk of trade is by ship and waterways look kinda treacherous, only one shipwreck in Cyrodiil, and on land at that. I added my own wrecks but exploring's not the same when I built and placed the things.

I always thought that a community group that made basic mods for one another would be fantastic, even if was just loacations, perhaps not quests or anything as then not too much effort is required.

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Personally I think it´s a bit early to speak about expansions XD But I would love to see a really big expansion featuring the dwemer. (since they will be in skyrim)
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