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horse auto jumping and stackable usable vitality items

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just like descriptoin. I would like to see a mod or tweak for food/health items to be stackable. Like if u use two pieces of bread at the same time then their health values add together along with the regen time.


And with the horse. It might be too difficult but maybe make it where the f*#@er auto jumps when crossing a broken bridge instead of coming to a screacthing hault and not moving anymore if u failed timing the jump.


BTW cant wait for the dev kits to start cing some epic mods coming out... :)!!!

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1. Stackable bread -> you can stack food and drink (water+grilled chicken) which will more or less fill your health bar.
2. Regarding horse movement I'd say that movement in general needs some tender love and care from official sources.
3. Fall damage can be negated by pressing the jump button mid fall. You will then roll to remove most or all damage, depending on distance fallen.

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Wow. I didnt even realize u could roll and i call myself a gamer.....


and with the food. i always assumed it worked like a meal. food + liquid.....just would like to c vitality regen timing to not negate multiple consumption

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