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Can't continue Companion's Quest line. Is it bugged?


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Hello all! I'm hopin to get some help with this.


So I'm on my first Skyrim playthrough and I was doing the Companion's quest line but then it stopped. I kept playing thinking I might have to come back later. Now I've been back and I still can't get the next quest. I've done some research and a few people seem to have had similar problems, but I couldn't really find a solution.


The Companion Quests I've done so far are:

Take up Arms

Trouble in Skyrim

Proving Honor

Animal Extermination

The Silver Hand


Striking the Heart


In that exact order.


From what I've seen the next I should be getting is Blood's Honor from Kodlak, but when I talk to him, or any companion for that part, is the same two dialogue options "What does it mean to be a companion?" and "Why did you join the companions".

I've seen other bug reports that say I'm still doing a job for Aela, but this is not the case for me. When I speak to her she only offers me Archery training.

I also read it could be something to do with the Helm of Windhelm? Because I have done that quest already.


I would appreciate any insight on the matter as I really want to complete this storyline.


Thanks a lot in advance!

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Interesting. I have done the Companion's quest line countless times, and have never had a problem.


The next quest should be "Stealing Plans" or "Blood's Honour", but anyway for whatever reason you aren't getting it.


There are 3 solutions I can see (2 if you are not on a PC - i.e. with access to the console (Key: ` or ~ or [key below ESC] depends on the keyboard layout)


1. (PC only) in the console (v.s.) type StartQuest CR10 (Stealing plans) or StartQuest C04 (Blood's Honour)

2. Load a save before getting the "Helm of Windhelm" (whatever that is - it is not in Vanilla Skyrim, and I can only find it as a Stomcloak Armour mod, available at any fine forge). (Or you may mean the "Helm of Winterhold" from the embittered thane nearby the Mages' College.) Alternatively you could mean the

Jagged Crown

in whichever case, go back and don't do that thing.

3. (Tedious) Go back, "Real" Save by "Real" save (i.e. not "Auto-" or "Quick-") then try to get onto Blood's Honour as quickly as you can. If it doesn't work with the latest one try the RealSave before that und so stimme weite. After you have safely started it, you can go back and do all the other things you missed (Also try on re-plays before Blood's Honour doing a quest from someone other than Aela (Animal Extermination) in case that caused the glitch.)


Sorry not to be more helpful...

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Thankfully I am on PC.


I did mean the Helm of Winterhold, not Windhelm, hahah.

Loading a previous save isn't really an option considering I continued playing for wuite some time and must have advanced like 20+ levels.


I tried using the console commands to start a different Companions quest "Hired Muscle" to see if doing a different one kind of reactivated the rest of the stuff, but even speaking to the quest giver didn't do anything.

I'll try doing it for Stealing Plans and see how it goes with that :)


Thanks for your replies!

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@stargazer09 - Quite correct, if any of the companions' initial quests are languishing about, Unikatze may have to clear them up (i.e.complete them) so as to get a few more.


@Unikatze - Check carefully your unfinished quests, especially under "Animal Extermination", "Trouble in Skyrim", "Hired Muscle", "Family Heirloom", "Escaped Criminal" or "Rescue Mission" (I think that's all of the Companions' "Random" quests' journal entries...). You can only have one of these at a time, but the other quest-givers should say something like "Hang about, aren't you doing a job for Flugenbush? Go and complete that first"

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Yeah, not the case. I cleared most of my misc quests and all I really have left is stuff like "Join the Stormcloaks", "Join the Imperials", Visit the Museum" and stuff like that. Nothing from the companions. Going to try the start quest now.

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I tried force starting the Stealing Plans quest but it din't work. I think because it comes before Striking the heart which I already did. Did the same for Blood Honor... and it started!


I talked to Aela and she sent me to talk to Kodlak who gave me the quest. Seems like it's working now. Thanks a lot!

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What mbj_mje said. The Skyrim:Quests page of the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages is a lifesaver when quests go wonky.


Early on (back in January when I started) I made a lot of ignorant mistakes in my eagerness, like playing around with the in-game time setting and pushing uGridsToLoad higher (which is really bad in early games as it messes up all the script timing and NPC actions etc.) and as a result I had some quests that got seriously stuck -- primarily the Companions and the Thieves Guild quests. However, by referring to the detail pages on that website I was able to determine at which point each quest was getting stuck and then force it to finish that step with a console command so it could move on. As of now (six months and 1,300 in-game hours later) I am still playing with the same character and the same original game and ALL quests have been successfully finished for Skyrim and all the DLCs (not counting being a vampire or a werewolf, which don't interest me).


If forcing the stuck step doesn't work then force the next step as well. As a last resort, force the entire quest to just complete (I had to do this just one time only). It's not satisfying, but it's better than being stuck and not moving on.

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  • 1 year later...

I've had the same problem with this quest line. Get to the point where Blood's Honor (C04) is supposed to trigger and ....nothing. Companions won't offer jobs and Alea / Kodlak will not mention it. Console commands failed starting over did not help. Finally found a mod that takes care of it (at least in my case). Enhanced Skyrim Factions: Companions Guild http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22650/?

This mod seems to force the questline to continue once it's requirements are met (number of radiant quests/ skill levels). Was finally able to finish after installing it. Hope this helps.

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