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Speeding up saves in the CK?

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Ok so Discworld is about to crack 30 megabytes just for the esp alone, and with ever few megs added I notice a drastic increase in time allotted to save.


I am at about 3 minutes now per save, sometimes only 20 seconds, sometimes 2 min, but it's generally a long time. I do not know if there is a way to speed it up, something I can do etc, or if I am just hosed. I can go in and change one line of script hit save 3 min, sometimes I go in and say add a worldspace add a halo ring gen LOD for it set up the regions so it shows, hit save, 30 seconds... dafuq..


Just seeing if anyone has any ideas or knows wtf this buggy ass pile of code does when it saves.

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The only consistent thing with CK that I find is it sucks donkey doodle.

Other thing I find consistent is if you use it long or short enough it's guaranteed to crash.


I get the same result in saving a 4~5MB esp.

One time I save and it's like 5 secs and another time it's like 2 mins.

There doesn't seem to be any logic as to the length of time a save will take.


Create 9 new cells, fill 500 items in each cell, hit save and half a sec later done.

Do the same thing again and hit save, 2 mins later done.


Sometimes I add a new form, save and it's almost like it's hung for 2 mins +

Another time i create a new form and save, 2 secs later it's done.


Another consistent thing with CK for me..

I consistently cuss at my monitor while using it.


My words while using CK usually go along the lines of

'F'n piece of crapware, I can't believe an actual paid company released this pos in this state. Hell, back yard hacks for no money write better stable tools then this pos..

You f.n dog c#nt of a bit sh@tware...." ...etc


While my profanities are being vented at my monitor I find I have to wipe the screen as the spray from my frothing anger makes it hard to see text on screen .


I'm usually fairly passive when I'm not using CK..lol

CK does seem to push my buttons with it's outright quirkiness :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the only way I can Imagine it taking less time is to esmify your current esp and create new changes as new esps which you merge later on.

Wont help with the loading time but it will drastically help with save times.

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