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Crisp dew moons and sunset lands,

Fields of flowers grasped by sands.

Velvet shined waters and towers of rock,

Gathers of feathers in nimble and flock.


Timbers of brass and sheets of green,

Shy horizons yet to be seen.

Scorching dunes and bricks of stone,

Skeleton warriors endless at drone.


Flowers at heel and stars at head,

Gusts at whisper reluctant to bed.

Dawn to awaken, a day left to drew,

Dusk to settle, memories reviewed.

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I like it! Great, clear imagery; it feels like I really know what's going on, which is more than I can say for a lot of poems. If I would change one thing, it would be, again, the rhythm. That's always the hardest part, isn't it?


Keep it up; these are great.


Yes, at times.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That is really beautiful Keanu! I didn't know you had the heart of a poet. Very nicely done, poignant, rich in imagery. I'm glad you shared it! :thumbsup:
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