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TES V, Mounts?


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In a recent pod cast with Todd Howard (today), game informer is told that there would never be dragon mounts and the bethesda team was working with horse mounts. Howard wasnt happy with the way horses felt in Oblivion and is looking to change how they look and feel, howard said the team was experimenting and if unsuccessful would not implement horses in the game.
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Thank you Todd. The last thing we need is some silly flying dragon mount. Looks like he has a really good view point. It would be better to not have them at all if full features (cargo, mounted archery and combat, fixed following) are not present. In Oblivion is was just a waste of resources. Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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After thinking about it, I thought about what would go through a dragons mind if you tried mounting it out of nowhere.


Red dragon: "What the f..... oh no. No you don't buddy, get the f**k off-right now! Don't make me tell you twice, I will eat you! That's what I thought. What the hell were you thinking? I'm not a horse, stupid. How would you like it if I just jumped on your back, huh?"


D&D dragons are no joke. It's Dungeons & Dragons. I just Googled

Dungeons & Dragons Red Dragon
and found this on the first page

: http://chaosgrenade.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Evil-Red-Dragon.jpg


That look like a pansy dragon to you?

Edited by AltreU
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I agree the horses were a bit awkward in oblivion. But without them would be a far worse option. I could deal without dragon mounts but horses are a key element.

Carriages would be awesome to travel in, or raid some fat cat merchant's caravan.


But i know what you mean, shooting arrows from horse back just makes sence to me.


More of everything is always good!

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I think they do need to add some sort of mounted combat even if it is only basic melee or drive-by style archery so at least they have something to build on in the future and because otherwise the horses are pointless due to fast travel

Perhaps adding an arena like section of jousting tournaments that runs in different cities at various stages could work entering lesser tournaments allows u too build up skill and prestige to enter championship tourneys etc.

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I KNOW ONE THING'S FOR SURE! Bethesda was really impressed by the total conversion game DUNE, IT HAD A DINOSAUR LOOKING MOUNT! I'M SURE THEY HAVE many, many, many more surprises in store for us. I can for sure garauntee there will be horses. Judging by the reaction of horses in the first game they will most certainly be overhauled (in terms of movement) using the new HAVOK added in. THIS IS NOT FRESH NEWS TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONE THEIR HOMEWORK!


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