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Allistair's Baby


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Heh...in that case, Witch Hunt becomes null and void if you play a female Warden who refused the DR... ;)

Well, you can check out any one of the several "Witch Hunt" threads here, or over on the BSN. I started one here with a particularly long OP (and liberal use of [ spoiler ] tags to minimize screen space and prevent accidental spoilage. :tongue: )


But regardless of your Warden's gender, WH is about one thing, and one thing only; bringing the Warden-Morrigan relationship to some kind of resolution. If you aren't interested in doing that (e.g. "couldn't care less", or "were satisified with where you left things at the end of DA:O") then you won't see any point in it.

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I played WH once...and then went on to confuse elements of WH with Shale's personal quest in DAO (they both take place in Cadash Thaig)... :wallbash:


But that is completely beside the point. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you read the books etc you will note that it is "Two" Wardens that have problems conceiving a child. One Warden and one non-warden can have problems but it is not impossible if the Warden is "newly" tainted ie within 10 years of being tainted. After this it becomes virtually impossible as the Warden is then rendered sterile.


For 2 wardens the odds decrease because of the taint, again not impossible but it is very difficult and it is intimated that magic (not necessarily blood magic) would be needed to assist in the conception of a child between two wardens.


This is the reason for Alistair's speach about conceiving a child etc.


Hopefully by DA3 we will be able to import characters from DAO and hopefully have had the opportunity of having a child or two to compete with the child by Morrigan (if you chose that route to begin with). Be it as Alistair as King or just a warden with the Female character of your choice or with Anora if you took that route.

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Use cheats, I never everrr let Morrigan touch him in a million years. Alistair never does her in any of MY Ferelden's!


Also, we still have yet to find out what the kid is going to become. I suppose he could potentially be an heir if it's Alistair's (if he is king), Loghain's, or the male warden's if the Warden married Anora, but we don't know enough about him yet. I'm not entirely sure if a heathen god that's inhabiting a human body would make a suitable ruler. Could lead to big trouble. :wacko:


If Morrigan somehow loses control of him and he goes out on his own in the world, like she did with her own mom, it could be interesting.

Edited by Lehcar
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  • 2 months later...
Of course there is another answer to this problem. If you play the Ser Gilmore leg of the game and you are a FW who inadvertently got pregnant before you slayed the Archdemon...well...your GW might be actually carrying the Elder God. :whistling: I suppose this would also be possible with the Alistair/mate ending as well? That would change it to an Elder Goddess I suppose if it is a girl. :thumbsup: At least the red hair may prove as a fair warning to prospective babysitters in the Gilmore ending possibility. :pirate: Just imagining Morrigan, wasting all of that effort to train her demon baby only to find out....it was a dud! :verymad: Not sure when or how the actual parents will have to deal with this problem but that is another story. Do you believe Elder Godlike children ever have to share THEIR toys with other children? :pinch: Just wondering.
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Of course there is another answer to this problem. If you play the Ser Gilmore leg of the game and you are a FW who inadvertently got pregnant before you slayed the Archdemon...well...your GW might be actually carrying the Elder God. :whistling:


I don't think that's possible because Morrigan uses a blood ritual to lure the essence of the archdemon into the unborn child.

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I see, very odd. I thought it was just so she could get pregnant easier with a tainted child? I suppose that is good but I did like the idea of outsmarting Morrigan.


I'm sure the ritual helped her get preggers as well. :)


It seems like it has more then one function. I'm guessing it also removes the Darkspawn taint from the child? Seeing as Darkspawn taint + Old God = Blight. If not I'd assume she'd be carrying a baby archdemon. :P

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Not really: it's the darkspawn taint that corrupts the Old God into becoming the Archdemon.


The baby from Morrigan's ritual is free of the taint, so all it's getting is the "soul" of the Old God.


Although... *thinks* Maybe not, as the essence of the Old God travels to the nearest tainted individual when it dies, thus the archdemon is essentially immortal - that's why only a Grey Warden can truly kill the AD. BUT the GW dies also, as the body cannot host two essences.


Maybe the level of innocence/purity of the tainted individual has something to do with where the essence travels...? Maybe the ritual also somehow allows the Old God's essence to merge with the child's essence...?


*scratches head*


I R no philosopher. :wallbash: :biggrin:

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