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Tech hates me as of late..

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After having to completly wipe and redo windows on my compueter,I have had a BOSD whenever a full screen app is used, I havent tested youtbe on full screen but games are an immeidate BSOD.


My tech specs(as I have FINALLY gotten my cards info correct)

MSI mobo with an AMD Phenom ll quad core

8 gigs memory

ATi Radeon HD 4870 X2


I THINK a bad memory unit can do it,but im updating everything AGAIN


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.0.6002.

Locale ID: 1033


Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 116

BCP1: FFFFFA80083A9010


BCP3: 0000000000000000

BCP4: 0000000000000002

OS Version: 6_0_6002

Service Pack: 2_0

Product: 256_1


that the error when i run a full screen app

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If it's only games, I'd try re-installing your graphics drivers.


If you think it's a bad memory module I'd run a memory diagnostic tool like memtest86 or something similar to make sure.

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You don't need some strange program for seeing what the Bluescreen is, so I'd recommend not installing that program Erik suggested. Instead, go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Startup and Recovery Settings, and make sure 'Automatically Restart' is unchecked. That way, your PC won't restart when it BSODs, and you'll have time to see what the bluescreen says.


If it mentions something like "nvdisp.dll" or "atiecl.dll" (or something vaguely similar to those), then it's a problem with your graphics drivers. If it lists something different, post it here and I'll try and offer some advice.

Edited by The_Terminator
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