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fallout for pc


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so i recently got into mod for Dragon Age and after beating the game twice, mods were a great way to enjoy the game a little longer. it has convinced me to get Fallout New Vegas for PC. i have it for ps3 right now, as i beat fallout 3 for ps3 platinumed it and loved it, however ive had FONV since release day and i barely have 3 or 4 hours into it. for some reason i cant get into it. but i had always considered getting it for PC (but got it for ps3 cause of fallout 3) but now im convinced i want it for PC just so i can see what mods there are (but not until i beat it at least once first)


anyways getting to the point, does it matter if i were to get it off Steam? is there any benefit from having a CD copy? besides the fact that if my computer crashes or something i have the physical copy, but mod wise or game play wise, bugs, patches, anything like that does it matter? i might still get this in CD form because i can probably get it cheaper, but in terms of any game in the future does it matter?

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There is no difference between the DVD version and the steam version. Personally I prefer a physical disk over an internet download.


However, With New Vegas, even if you have the physical disk, you will still be going to steam when you install and for required patches.

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FO3 is entirely standalone. No internet required unless you use the steam download or want DLCs. (GOTY edition. DLC's on disk)

Patches can be downloaded off the fallout website and, icing on the cake, steam can make it harder to mod.

Also, dont forget that you're paying for the energy required for your computer while downloading, so it adds up.


Tl,Dr: retail disk FTW.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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