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Vault door "screech" replacer?


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I'm fine with the sound of how the main "gear door" of a vault opens. But, when it comes time to close it...I just cannot stand that metal-on-metal screeching noise.

I suppose you could say it affects me like nails on a chalkboard to others. :yucky:

Sometimes I even get headaches if I visit several vaults one after the other and close all the main doors...(but maybe from playing too long?)


Anyway, back on topic:


What I'd like, is a replacement sound for the closing animation of all the vault "gear doors"...and this would hopefully affect any mod-added or custom-added ones as well.

I don't want the closing to be silent. It should be something that still sounds...Vault-ish, and fits with the lore of them being giant 2 ton doors.

Maybe just, I dunno, well-oiled 2-ton doors? :confused:

Haven't found any mod that does this so far (and I've looked a lot). I'm terrible in the GECK or else I'd do this myself.


Anyone that takes the time to do this, my ears thank you in advance!!!


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