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How old are the kids supposed to be, anyway?


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I would have put their age as younger, probably about 8. Boys at age 10 don't really want to play with girls, and Jarl Balgruf will not let his son have a sword.He does not even carry a dagger.


Playing with girls might be a cultural thing. After all, their world has an extremely high level of gender equality, so it would make sense if kids in Tamriel don't really consider gender a factor when it comes to making friends.


As for sword fighting, I believe that historically, boys were typically considered ready to train with weapons around the age of fourteen. That said, it is a bit weird Balgruf won't even give his kid a wooden sword.



Haming in Froki's Shacks says


"I'm eleven years old, and I could take you"


which is probably the closest you're going to get to definition of their age IMO, since they're all the same age (same meshes)


Well, then we do have some canon on it, at least.

This is an old post but I'd like to point out that 14 wasn't the age for when boys began training with swords, that was their age of majority and the age at which they were allowed to lead men into battle.


Boys of nobility began training with practice swords as young as 5 years old (7 was the most common age, with 7-14 being considered your teenage years).

Edited by hmill13
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Old thread resurrection, but still, great topic. I always wondered about their ages as well. But I was betting on between 12 to 13. But as few here noted, canon sayz 11 for a few of them huh?


Well what if they're not all 11 years old? What if some are 9 , 10 , 12, and 13? lol. Because I swear a couple of them act like they're 13.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I always figured somewhere between 10 and 12. Girls don't appear to be quite into puberty yet, but, they sure have the 'teenager' attitude........ Why is it, almost all the kids in Skyrim, (that have parents...) are uniformly obnoxious? Was that Beths idea of revenge for asking for kids in the game? (Skyrim was the first game that actually had children.)

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