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CK trouble making a dialogue scene between NCPs


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So I'm trying to make one of my ncps I made for my mod randomly initiate conversations with one of the vanilla ncps, Hadring of Nightgate Inn.


If you want to know, or if it helps, I used this guide: http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-dialogue-scenes-skyrim-modding-tutorial-by-jac


It didn't work though. I went back and quadruple checked I followed it correctly, and I did. But ingame the two ncps never talk to eachother. I've tried saving and reloading, waiting for the scene, and various other thing I thought could be the issue like my Ncp's AI package. Nothing worked.


Can anyone help me get this mess working? It'd be great if anyone could.



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That is on my site, though I didn't write the tut.


Check Begin on quest start and Stop quest on scene end in your scene.


Edit: I don't know how it happened but the formatting on this tut got screwed... fixing now, along with adding the note.

Edited by Mattiewagg
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Show me a screenshot of your aliases, and your scene. You DID set it up with the story manager, yes?


(Jesus, I have no idea how the formatting on this tutorial was so absolutely RUINED...)

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The aliases for the unique actors have to be marked as reusable or it will not work.


This is because, as they fill:


Actor 1 will fill with personA or personB. This means that Actor 2 HAS to fill with the person NOT chosen by the other alias, because neither Actor alias is marked as reusable (can have more than one alias filled with the reference in the quest). However, b/c the aliases for the persons will also have the reference of something in the Actor 1/2 aliases, no matter what, those MUST be reusable, or the aliases will not fill, the quest will not start, and your scene will not play.


Adding to tutorial, like I said, I did not write it but I should have gone over it more fully before posting it to the site. Apologies.

Edited by Mattiewagg
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