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Update to the Ethereal Horse Mod


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Brokunn's Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9534/?


Is a fine mod and I use it often. Good mount for my stealthy assassin. When not in use it's not there to give me away!


However it hasn't been updated since 2012. Mods came up with some fine things like water walking, and even flying. Would be good for the Ethereal horse to be able to run across water and not sink. Or even upgrade the spell so the horse can fly. There are other features that could enhance the idea as well. Instead of a stone you get the spell book from why not a vender? Or you find the spell on some quest.


Armor variations say a summonable Daedric Mount. Well you get the idea, good mod and I love it. Just wish it had a bit more now we are in the 2015 and heading for 16.

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