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oblivion weapon mod help


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OK willowmoth, first thing tell us how you installed your clothing or weapon mods. If you can, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder that Oblivion is installed in. The directory structure (folders) will be organized Oblivion\Data\meshes and Oblivion\Data\Textures. There will be other folders but these are the ones we're needing information on.


Example ... I have the Elven Princess clothing installed. My folder structure for that mod is Oblivion\Data\meshes\clothes\ElvenPrincess and Oblivion\Data\Textures\clothes\ElvenPrincess. The meshes folder holds all the meshes for the different mods I have installed and the textures are naturally in the textures folder. The ElvenPrincess.esp file is located in the Oblivion\Data folder itself (all esp files need to be there so that the game can find them). When the game starts it loads the ElvenPrincess.esp which requires the mesh and texture files to display properly on screen. The game looks for those files in the directories that the esp tells it to look. If the game can't find the files it displays the exclamation points, indicating that an error has occurred.


Bottom line ... everything has to be installed in the correct location to work and that's the information we need to help you get this working. :thumbsup:

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