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Clothing Bonuses from fine clothing and other cloth items


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Can anyone tell me if a clothing mod that effects NPC behavior exists? I'm looking for a mod where clothing might make you more charismatic or give you higher speech skills. For instance if you were wearing all find clothing you might get skill bonuses or discount prices. Maybe they give you an intimidation/ persuasion boost? Maybe wealthy NPCs like you better. I'm just wondering if any sort of mod like this exists.

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The best I could find atm: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48632/? (You could probably just enchant your clothing yourself if you want to.)


NPC Reactions makes NPCs actually react to you depending on what you wear. Snobby rich people only talk to you if you wear rich people's clothing, merchants won't trust you if you wear Thieves Guild armour; that sort of thing.

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