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Equip multiple weapons


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I spent about half an hour searching for it just now but couldn't find it - there was a mod exactly like what you're asking for Fallout 3, it should still be on the FO3 Nexus. One-handed weapon on your right hip, one-handed melee on your right hip, two back 'slots' for rifles, and a butt slot for grenades. It would usually equip the first few things in your inventory, so as long as you kept yourself tidy and precise in your weapon choices it could potentially be ported.
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  • 2 months later...



Im also looking for that kind of mod. Would be really great to have multiple weapons equipped.It would really be helpful if anyone post a link of this 'not working' or the Fallout 3 versıon




what happened to your project ?



Found the Fallout 3 version. Names 'RR Manıfold Holsters' but ıts set hidden ın the nexus.

Edited by Krashuk
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dead, formated computer lost all files :facepalm: cant even remember the concept of what i was going to do :wallbash: :facepalm: ,sorry about that :sweat: and at that time fallout NV was'nt working so lost files for both fallout3 and fallout NV :wacko:
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  • 3 months later...
Easiest way to do this is make armor versions of each weapon using clothing slots not normally used, like a backpack slot for rifle types. Then use the model of the weapon, create a sling and attach it to it, and add it as an armor equip. Thus creating a visually pleasing slung rifle over the back. With this you can even customize how it sits to look right with heavier armors that normally clip. Similar concept for pistols. You would have to change this with you're weapon each time you wanted to wield a different one though. Or keep both "holstered" and have a 3rd weapon out.
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