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A Vault Resource?


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Yeah, this is an odd request since I am more than capable of doing this on my own. In truth, I am asking if their are any presently existing vault resources because I want to cut some corners on a current project, and get it done more quickly.


In short, I'm shopping around for a "free vault" that I can merge into my project so that I don't have to design an entirely new one by myself. Alterations will be made so that it's theme matches my project, but the initial overall design will be mostly maintained because this mod should also showcase its donators designs as well.


I know that a few of you are already informed on the project. I ask only that you DO NOT post spoilers... for now.


Also, I will give credit to the vaults original designer when my project is released.


All of this having been said, I know what I am actually asking and will not be offended at all if no one is interested. I am, after all, asking to desecrate your baby... which you likely spent hours upon hours designing... so your concerns are justified.

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I believe Vault 74 is a test Vault in the New Vegas files but never actually used in game is that what your looking for.? http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_74 Otherwise recommend Speedy's Resource Pack for Vault design. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39551/?

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