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Help with understanding How crime works


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OK im trying to find the globals or quests scripts that in particular deal with the player commiting crimes and murder and how this is handled with scriptes etc, are globals used, or an ai package. the angle i think i will need to use is how the game handles witness and non witnessed murder, is a murder (of a non hostile)without a witness even considered murder.

making a basic morality mod based on this formula


HumansKilled-undeadKilled= karma.
Karma + gooddeeds bonus's (certain quests and feats) =goodness
goodness x slayer = basemoral value (low or negative numbers are goodaligned and high numbers equates to EvilAligned)
;nonViolentPlayerRate /2) + ViolentPlayerRate = Criminality
:Criminality - Gooddeeds = Criminality2 (x Murder)= GreaterCriminality
:BaseMorals + GreaterCriminality = GreaterMorality high number bad low or negative numbers good) numbers good.

then have a few limiters to stop glitcher or exploits
along the lines of


If GreaterMorality<= 0 && Slayer >= 100 (or a high number shows that player slays alot of bad guys )
:Player is extremly paladin good
add alignment perk
IfGreaterMorality <= 100 && Slayer >= 100
:Player is chivalric
add alignment perk
if GreaterMorality >= 5000 && HumanBane >= 500
;Leaning towards evil
add alingnment perk
then adding a last check on the GreaterCriminality value
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would it be easier to just run a small script like


if Target.nonHostile = murder value + 1 (i know im not using correct syntax at the mo)


to comfirm whether a murder was commited.my concern here is that assasinations on unaware enemies may count as a non hostile target.

Edited by hecks567
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