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Balanced mage movement.


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When a mage is casting or shooting spells, he should slow-down a bit.


Reason: Mages are OP. They can shoot magic and move freely. It's unfair. In melee, you can't attack and move freely at 100%. In archery stance, you can't hold the string and move freely at 100%


For that, i don't use destruction magic. It's easy mode for me. I can kite my enemies for ever while moving fast.


This is more like a balance suggestion.

Edited by stackofbeef
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I think its okay because almost all mages wear robes which dont have any armor rating, If they will be slowed when casting then enemy can get them easily, In my case when battling mages, I use Ice form shout so that i can go near without having damage.

Edited by EddieConnor98
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I can see where you are going with this I have horrible experience with several mages that have Ice spike, a ward(so you can't magic them) and an aim-bot, You could rush at them but you WILL take a chunk of damage and you will not have ANY stamina left for power attacks combine that with a ridiculous amount of health/defense and even my powerful greatsword cannot cut them down fast enough to avoid death.


Not to mention as you stated it can be quite overpowered playing a mage build character as one can make a set of armor that reduces destruction cost to 0 for ALL destruction spells.

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